Past projects 1
Music Class Metal
Funded Jan 8, 2019I cannot thank you enough for your support of music education! My students and I are overwhelmed by your compassion and generosity.
With this new soprano metallophone, these students have more time to play instruments during class. Songs like "Rocky Mountain", "Oh How Lovely is the Evening", and "Paddle Song" come alive for the students when they add instruments like the metallophone. Kids love accompanying themselves and their classmates on the instruments. With another instrument in the room, my more timid students don't feel so alone when they take their turns playing during class.
We are about to start a lesson unit about chords with my older students. This is their chance to play pop songs in class. The metallophone has a perfect tone for chord accompaniments, and the clear note names help my students visualize patterns in the music.
Your support is so encouraging to me and my students. Your generosity challenges us to do our very best and make the most of every opportunity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Mowry