Past projects 1
Fun Flexible Seating!
Funded Aug 6, 2018
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Each student that comes into my classroom is incredibly unique and special. They all come with different learning styles, interests, and challenges. First grade can be a challenging year for many students, and the transition into longer tests, more reading and an emphasis on writing can be overwhelming. I want to give my students more opportunities to be active and stimulate their minds and bodies while reading, writing and working at their seats. In the past I have hesitated to have students work at their desks because sitting for long periods of time is not only uncomfortable, it isn't engaging. Excercise balls have long been used for children with sensory processing disorders and hyperactivity. These chairs will be used at a group table in my classroom and will improve balance and core strength while increasing word productivity. The flex-space wobble cushions will be another way to engage students with balance and fun, by allowing them to work close to the floor in a group or with partners. With your help, I can create a classroom environment that is engaging, exciting, and inspires students to think critically and creatively.