Let's Get Digital... Art!

Funded Aug 11, 2023

Thanks again for your donation to our art program. I have been using the ipad and drawing tablets in two classes primarily; Adaptive Art and IB Visual Arts. Students have been using them individually and on a few group projects.

In Adaptive Art special education students are paired with general education peers to work on art projects. We have used these digital drawing tools for incentives, photographing class activities, art projects, and currently creating short stop motion videos. With only a few devices in class it forces students to work together with their peers which is a primary goal of the class.

In IB Visual Arts students work on independent projects in a range of mediums to create a portfolio. Students are required to submit evidence of original artworks in 2D, 3D, and Screen based media. The ipad and drawing tablet have been used multiple times for digital art, recording art installations, making movies, photographing thier work, digital collage and group presentations. Some students are excited to create digital art as their family can't afford it. Some are already skilled in digital art and have been teaching their peers, creating a great atmosphere for learning. Currently we are working on digital designs of vintage winter sport posters in preparation for the Arctic Winter Games this spring.

Thanks again for supporting our program and providing another art medium for students to explore. In addition to students creating art with these devices, they've also provided me a foundation for developing a graphic arts class at our high school.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Folsom