Past projects 1
Books Needed!
Funded Jan 16, 2024Thank you so much fo the purchase of the 30 copies of the fantasy book, Rats of Nimh, by Robert C. O'Brien. This book is a classic Newbury Award winning fantasy book that has been used in our test testing so it was a perfect pick for our fantasy book club. The focus of the unit has been for students to really absorb the fantasy genre and ultimately fall in love with the plight of Mrs. Frisby as she strives to save her family from certain death.
In my urban middle school, roughly 85% of our students are students who are considered high risk be it that they are from low income families, have educational plans, or speak multiple language. It is a challenging district but one in which I have fallen in love with and have taught in for over 20 years. Most of our students do not have books at their houses and can be resistant to reading so finding an engaging book is crucial for their success as a reader. In my 5th grade ELA class, I see approximately 75 students in a day for reading and writing. I strive to create a cozy environment with pillows, butterfly chairs, flexible seating and a bistro table. Reading is a constant celebration and I strive to have the kids feel that sense of specialness that reading a great book brings.
My students were so excited to have "new" books which have not been used before! They kept them safe and respected them throughout the unit and I loved watching them fall in love with the story! Your generosity is greatly appreciated by all of the 5th graders at the Butler Middle School!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Burgess
This classroom project was brought to life by A family that cares about Boston and 3 other donors.