Breathe for Change 200-hour Mindfulness, SEL*F, and Yoga Teacher Training

Funded May 29, 2023

Thank you very much for your generous contributions to my Breathe for Change 200 Hour Yoga, Mindfulness, and Social Emotional Learning Certification program. Today is my graduation! I can't express enough appreciation for the journey that all of you allowed me to take. For one weekend per month from September thru March, I spent 12 hours in live zoom training sessions. I developed relationships with my community group, comprised of 8 other educators from around the country, and I learned more than I ever anticipated about building community in our schools here in Norton. I'd like to share a bit about what I have done so far with the training, and what I plan to do moving forward.

As you will see from the picture slideshow included with this letter, The Breathe for Change Program has developed eight components of Social Emotional Learning. In February, I facilitated a wellness workshop for interested staff at LG Nourse Elementary School on the theme of Presence. We spent thirty minutes together being fully present and learning not only techniques for our own wellness but also techniques to bring into the classroom to improve the social emotional wellness of our students. Moving forward, I plan to facilitate additional programs not only in my school, but in other schools in our district.

A major component of the program is the completion of a 200 hour Certified Yoga Teacher training. During the past six months, I have offered yoga in our community for staff at LG Nourse and also at my gym, 85/15 Health & Fitness. During the training, I learned how to design yoga classes for children and for adults, and I am excited to teach my annual yoga unit at LGN soon as a certified instructor with a greatly improved understanding of the philosophy and technique behind each of the poses. I will also continue to offer yoga experiences for district staff.

Finally, I've had the opportunity to learn mindfulness techniques, and I've acquired an entire library of mindfulness curriculum. This has allowed me to more easily and effectively diffuse difficult situations with students, and it has also given me the chance to teach some of our students and staff new ways of finding their own calm. I am eager to try even more of these techniques and to share them with my fellow teachers to use with their own students in challenging moments.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about what I have been working on. I am very grateful for your generosity, and I truly appreciate the opportunity that you have given to me and to our NPS community.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Kenney