Current requests
Operation Professionalism
- Be the first to support this project
- $321 still needed
- $161 for now
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By donating to my classroom, you are granting roughly 500 children in Northern West Virginia the chance to enrich their daily lives within the arts. Painting with the watercolor paints that you help provide may be the first opportunity for many of my students to use a paintbrush for a purpose other than helping paint the house. The glue, glue guns, and tape will be used with cardboard that we have saved to build 3-D objects and paper mache sculptures. The donations that you are making are the only funds that I, as the art teacher, will have to purchase these supplies because the county no longer provides funding for art at the middle school level. With the materials you provide, I intend to make every moment count towards making my students' education a cross-curricular artistic endeavor.