Past projects 7
Supporting Literacy at Home
Funded Dec 31, 2024Thank you for your generous donation and supporting our multilingual families. The materials purchased with your donation will provide many of our low income families with materials to support literacy development at home both in English and their native languages. On behalf of our students and myself, we thank you for supporting literacy and our school to home connections.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 2 other donors.Back to School Supplies
Funded Dec 31, 2024Thank you for your generous donation. The materials purchased will help provide our newest students with school supplies as well as reinforcement materials to practice at home.
These materials will be distributed at our family engagement nights in support of our multilingual families. The materials will be organized and distributed by grade level to support as many students as possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Foundation and 3 other donors.Family Engagement Night Games
Funded Dec 10, 2024Thank you so much for your generous donation to support our students and families. These items will be used to build a school to home connection through family engagement nights. Games are a great way for families to connect with each other. These games will be used throughout the school year.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by The Mo & Cher Willems Foundation and 5 other donors.School to Home Journals
Funded Mar 17, 2021I want to first thank you for your generous donation. The journals that you funded have already been put into use! I distributed the materials to the students while they were in the Hybrid Learning model, and the parents of the fully remote students, came to school to pick them up.
The journals were great for keeping the student's organized and ready to learn, no matter where they were! They all loved them and were so grateful to have their own special journal. The different types of journals were developmentally appropriate for the variety of grade levels that I teach. Thank you again for your donation!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
Diverse Reading Levels
Funded Mar 16, 2021I want to first start by saying thank you for your generous donation. I chose this project because I had recently switched from teaching one grade level to teaching four different grade levels. Within each of these levels, the students are at different reading levels. The books that arrived for this project was a perfect match for the needs of my students.
The cart has been a huge help as I now must travel between classrooms to accommodate for social distancing. The cart keeps the books organized and ready to move to the next group.
My students and I truly appreciate these additions to our mobile classroom. Many of the students have been without hands on materials in over a year. They were very excited by the variety of the books and cannot wait to chose some more.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Every Child Needs Their Own Supplies
Funded Aug 8, 2020I first want to start by saying thank you for your donations to support the needs of my students during this pandemic. Many of our families are struggling to make ends meet due to unemployment, illness, and reduced hours at work because their child is home for remote learning. As you can see from the pictures, the supplies that you funded have been divided and packed for each child in their own drawstring backpack. Due to budget cuts, the school's supply budget has been drastically reduced to fund the technology materials the students will need to learn remotely. The budget did not have funding to supply the other necessary materials that the students would normally have in their classroom if they were permitted to be here. Luckily, through your donation I was able to purchase and supply my entire class with basic school supplies such as notebooks, colored pencils, binders and other important materials.
The gratitude from the families for the supplies has been tremendous. Our school scheduled a supply pickup day for the students and their families. The students were all smiles when they received their brand-new supplies. They had not even pulled away from the curb, when they were dumping out their bags to see what was inside. During our Zoom meetings they all wanted to share what was in their bags and were very excited to have supplies of their own. For those students who were unable to pick up their supplies, the backpacks of supplies are going to be delivered to their homes as soon as arrangements can be made with the families. The importance of reducing any stress and any more financial burdens on our students and their families during this time is priceless.
Teaching remotely and learning remotely is challenging enough. Not to have access to basic materials made it even worse. Over the past few weeks, since receiving their supplies, the students are more engaged and are now able to complete more of the daily activities that they would be doing if they were in school. Having the binders and notebooks, help the students to also stay organized, and allows them to have everything they need in one spot. It has also been a lesson in learning to take care of your personal belongs and how to be organized. They bring the entire backpack of supplies with them wherever they are remotely learning for the day, whether they stay at home or are at a daycare.
This pandemic has changed everyone's way of doing things. Learning how to use new teaching platforms and how to trouble shoot tech issues were never something I thought would come about this quickly. Through everything, I give extreme credit to the students whose childhoods have been completely turned upside down. They log in everyday with smiles on their faces and are ready to learn. The supplies that have been provided have given the students a little sense of normalcy and have helped to provide the much needed support for their academics. I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and one other donor.Non-Fiction Interactive Articles
Funded Aug 17, 2018I just want to start by saying thank you from my students as well as myself. The students were beyond excited to have their own copy of Scholastic News Weekly Readers. My students come from low income families where they must share everything.
The readers are a great way to introduce various thematic monthly themes. I use the magazines as well as the online interactive component to expose my students to a variety of fiction and nonfiction articles. The themes cover such things as social skills, pumpkins, spiders and Veterans' Day. The magazines also have a core skills section in response to what we have read in the magazine. These core skills help to check for comprehension of the topic as well as build oral language fluency. My students are all English Language Learners and love learning and adding their new vocabulary words to their conversations.
Once we are done with the weekly readers, the students take them home to share with their families. They love to tell their parents and siblings what they have learned and to show them the core skill section. They also like being able to tell their parents what certain things are in English verse their native language. Thank you again for funding our project!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Salamon
This classroom project was brought to life by Craig Newmark Philanthropies and 3 other donors.