Past projects 1
Providing Bilingual Reading Materials for My English Language Learners
Funded Aug 2, 2018
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These books will give my English Language Learners the opportunity to improve their literacy skills in both their first (L1) and English (L2). Research shows that bilingual students who continue to develop their L1 language skills are more likely to excel academically in their L2. I want to encourage my students to improve themselves holistically by spending many hours reading for pleasure as well as for academic achievement. Currently, my diverse English as a Second Language classroom does not have a single bilingual book or novel. I want to change that by providing my students with many opportunities and resources to continue to embrace their diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds by reading books about their cultures and countries that are in both English and their native languages. I chose several novels and books my middle school students would enjoy reading. I want to build a very large library with many selections so that students can read books that interest them. Many of my middle school students have never read a novel in English or in their native languages. I have chosen novels that are at all English proficiency levels to make them accessible to all of my students' diverse learning needs.