Jr. High Classroom Library: Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader

Funded Nov 4, 2022

Words can not express how grateful I am to have received the OSDE Donors Choose grant. With the purchase of books provided by these grant funds, my 7th and 8th grade students have been able to choose books from a genre that they enjoy reading. Many of them have become avid readers, choosing books in a series with sequential characters, settings, and genres eagerly anticipating the plots and events in the following book.

I have several athletes that do not find reading easy or enjoyable, but have been motivated to complete classwork and assignments quickly and accurately so they can be first to choose the "Baseball Genius" books.

I have to admit, it was a very rewarding experience to be able to include all of my students in selecting materials and classroom needs and wants to complete the grant. Some of the questions I repeatedly heard from the students were, "how much more can we spend, do we have enough for this or that?" They definitely felt empowered!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Effinger