Past projects 1
Jr. High Classroom Library: Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader
Funded Nov 4, 2022This classroom project was brought to life by Oklahoma State Department of Education.
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The 5 Dell Chromebooks will allow each student to access technology each day with their everyday curriculum as well as using them for research, accessing virtual libraries, and exploring diverse cultures around the world. The students will work in small groups and work in 20-minute stations. The Chromebooks will allow students access to curriculum related music, games, and test preparation. The donations from this project will allow my students to be able to practice one on one using a technology-enhanced curriculum. It will allow me as their teacher to identify each student's strengths and weaknesses so that I am able to differentiate methods and strategies so that each child is successful. In this technology literate world, the more interaction students have with updated technology, the more their literacy will increase as well as their desire to learn and use new technology!