Past projects 6
Graphic Novels for All
Funded Sep 25, 2023Thank you so much for your donations to our classroom library. The students were very excited when the boxes of graphic novels came in. They all gathered around, huge smiles on their faces, eagerly waiting to see what new books they could get their hands on.
Thanks to your donations, more students had access to books they wanted to read. I had students ask if they could use any free time to read! It was really special to see students gathering in the library to talk about the new books and finding a cozy spot to sit and begin their new adventure.
We are all so grateful for your generosity. You have helped continue a love of reading for students and spark interest in others.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak
This classroom project was brought to life by Unilever and 3 other donors.Hooray for Headphones!
Funded May 11, 2023We are so thankful for your support in our project. Having a class set of headphones makes a big difference for us in the classroom. Over the last several years technology has made a great impact on students learning. Students use several online programs to help bridge gaps in their learning. The headphones allow students to focus on what they are working on.
Each student has an individual path on their online learning programs. Without headphones, there is a lot of added noise while students are working through their programs. The headphones allow students to hear instructions and eliminate the extra noise from their table partners computers. Students have already mentioned how much more they are able to accomplish now that they have their own headphones.
Another way we are using the headphones is while using online books. Many students need the additional support of hearing a book while they look at the text. Having the headphones has allowed students on IEP's and multilinguistic students get a better understanding of what they are reading and helps them participate in classroom discussions.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak
This classroom project was brought to life by General Motors Corporation and 2 other donors.Storyworks Superstars!
Funded May 5, 2022Thank you so much for donating to our project. The students were so excited to start seeing the magazines come in and were eager to start reading. One element of the magazines that has been so helpful to the students is being able to level the work that goes along with the stories. All students get to feel part of the lesson with the reading, but when it comes time for independent work they can be met where they are academically.
Reading is a major part of our classroom. We start the year concentrating on growing our reading stamina and choosing just right books. Having the Scholastic magazines as part of our library has helped all students find something they enjoy reading. It has been a pleasure to watch several students choose a magazine, get comfortable on the rug or bean bag chairs, and read an article together.
The magazines are full of interesting content that engage the students. When there is a student who has difficulty finding the right book to read, starting with one of the magazines has been helpful in getting them to want to read. All students and myself are very appreciative of your generosity!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak
This classroom project was brought to life by Dollar General Literacy Foundation and 3 other donors.Fantastic. Fun. Flocabulary!
Funded Aug 9, 2020I am so appreciative of your donation to my project, Fantastic. Fun. Flocabulary! This is one of my favorite sites to use with my students. In all my years of teaching, it has been the one consistent site I know will engage my students and capture their attention.
Although this school year looks quite different, as my students and I are participating in remote learning, Flocabulary continues to be invaluable. When I first told my class that our project got funded, their smiles were huge and the applause loud! They were so excited!
So far this year, we have used Flocabulary to learn about summarization, reinforce
capitalization rules, and discuss the different elements of an essay. The videos are so helpful when kicking off a topic to get students excited and their catchy tunes help students remember the different concepts. As well as in ELA class, we use Flocabulary in social studies. Most recently, the students learned about the 13 colonies and gained so much from the video and activities. Our favorite was playing the vocabulary game and dancing along with the beat.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and one other donor.Rhythm and Learning
Funded Aug 29, 2019Thank you for your generous donations to my project. Flocabulary is one of my favorite resources to use as a teacher. Thanks to your generosity I can continue to share this wonderful website with my students.
Flocabulary not only engages my students but helps them learn and review concepts. I use Flocabulary as an exciting way to introduce new concepts and provide an additional review for students who need some extra practice. The tunes are catchy and allow students to remember the chorus. I have had multiple students humming tunes while taking a quiz or telling me they were singing the song while doing their homework as a helpful tool. There are also a lot of extra resources, such as the vocabulary game, which help hesitant students participate more.
When I go up to the board and begin a new Flocabulary I can see my students getting excited. They enjoy relistening to old favorites and seeing what new beats there are to share. Thank you again for your donation so I can continue to use Flocabulary with my students and reach a variety of learners!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak
Diary of a Young Girl
Funded Jun 13, 2018I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation. My students were excited to open boxes to discover new books to add to our library. From the first day of school, my students and I set goals to become readers, true readers; People who find the right books and don't want to put them down! During our historical fiction unit, Anne Frank became the center of our world. It was difficult to truly share her story without the proper resources. This set of books focused on Anne Frank has allowed all students to learn more about her amazing story.
This collection has greatly impacted my ability to reach a wide range of students reading levels, making all students feel included in the lessons. Although all students want to read her diary, it is a higher level read and some students were unable to access that text. Having other books about Anne Frank ensured that I could reach all learners. One of my student's favorite activities was to get a chance to explore all of the books we received in stations. The discussions I got to listen to during this activity were fantastic. Each of the students then wrote Anne a letter. I have also seen some students become inspired to keep a diary.
Reading in my classroom is something we do every day. It is instilled in the students that reading is important to all aspects of life. I am sure to model this with students by reading every time they are expected too. One of our favorite places to read is in the 'cozy corner' where there is a rug, blankets, pillows, cushions and bean bags. There is nothing better than curling up with a good book. Watching my students chose these books about Anne Frank and share them with each other during our reading time is truly magical. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Stasiak