Past projects 6
There's Room on Our Shelves for These Non Fiction Books!
Funded Mar 5, 2020Thank you so much for making this Read Across America Week so very special! We have been learning about U.S. symbols and researching about people who have made a difference in our world. The books you helped purchase for our classroom are going to help us learn more about these topics! We are so grateful for the addition of these non fiction texts to our library! You helped make a difference and we are so very thankful!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 6 other donors.Building Teamwork and Learning with Forts and Blocks!
Funded Feb 12, 2020Wow! Thank you for making this a reality for our classroom! We are beyond excited to begin learning and building together using these materials! Math will be hands on and so much fun because of your amazing generosity! We will be building forts, teamwork skills, learning, and memories! Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
Teaching With Technology Is Terrific
Funded Jan 20, 2020We are beyond excited to add a classroom iPad and Osmo to our learning stations. When I presented the students with this generous donation, they were so thrilled and immediately began exploring and playing together. Within moments, multiple math challenges had been completed and they were learning and teaching each other what they had just discovered.
The iPad and Osmo allows students to have access to individual instruction that is interactive and engaging. The Osmo encourages students to use hands on pieces to manipulate and learn with while they work and play with the technology and exciting display of the iPad. Together, these tools have made our math stations something extra special. Activities are leveled and continue at the pace of the learner. Students that need more time to master a concept are able to take their time and practice until they have accomplished the goals set for them. This individualized program and game like activity builds confidence and makes learning fun.
The Osmo Pizza Factory has made a huge impact on our classroom by introducing the concepts of fractions and money and promoting number sense. Students love playing at the pizza factory and are excited to work together and share what they know with each other. We love the amazing additions of the iPad and Osmo games and cannot thank the donors enough for giving us this gift of learning and technology!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
Science Inquiry and Exploration with Model Making And More!
Funded Feb 25, 2020Thank you so much for choosing to give to our classroom! We are so delighted to have the materials we need to act like real scientists! This donation is going to add so much discovery and fun to our science time! We very much appreciate you thinking of us. We cannot wait to build models, explore, build, and learn together!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
Teaching with Tech Is Engaging and Fun
Funded Sep 16, 2018Thank you so much for helping to put more technology in to the hands of our learners. The iPad made an incredible difference bringing excitement to centers allowing them to have differentiated activities that were directed to their levels of learning. They loved the mix of hands on tools with the Osmo products as well as the exciting visuals and interactions with the multiple programs that are available on the iPad.
In addition to the centers, we used the iPad to create digital storytelling moments in our classroom. We used multiple programs and created a stop motion video of our whole class project, a math mural. We not only documented the construction of the mural together, we then made a short movie telling about how we had to work together that included narration and editing skills.
Students were in love with being able to have a tool that allowed them to create and learn both independently and together. The gifts we received from you donors has helped us to build a stronger community of learners. It has given voice and confidence to students that were hesitant or had quieter voices in the classroom. Also, it allowed learners to not only review and practice skills in math and language, but also to create and share with others whole new ideas!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
Building our Reading Center
Funded Mar 27, 2018We are so grateful for the resources your donations brought to our learning environment! Our easel is the center of our day. We create anchor charts, dissect mentor sentences, and grow as readers using this valuable tool every day! The wheels help us to move it to wherever we are learning! The listening center is also an important key part of our reading time. We enjoy hearing stories read with great fluency and inflection. The recordings model how a story should be read and helps us to develop as readers. These key pieces have added so much to our classroom. We are growing and learning each day because of these awesome gifts! Thank you for helping us in our journey as readers and learners! Your gift has made an incredible impact!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Root
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple.