Let Your Fingers Do the Talking!

Funded Nov 29, 2018

Thank you so much for your donation for our class project "Let Your Fingers Do the Talking!". We received the new iPad and the Otterbox case within 2 days of the project being fully funded and have been using the iPad on a daily basis ever since.

We use the iPad in several different ways. Some of the students use it as a communication device. There are so many apps that are free and user friendly that help students who are non-verbal to communicate. For example, one student is able to tell us what he would like to eat for snack or do in his free time by using an app on the iPad.

We also use the iPad during our learning stations. There is an app that has "flashcards" that are easy to use and provide the students with a fun engaging way of learning and assessment. The best part is they are having so much fun, they don't even realize they are learning!

We are so thankful for your donation and the new technology that you helped provide for our classroom!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Monroe