Past projects 10
Help Make Our Learning Fun
Funded Apr 24, 2023My first grade students have been ever so thankful for all of the supplies you helped me provide for them. I think their favorite item has to be the water bottles. To tell the truth, they are mine too. A simple water bottle with a string handle to hang them on the back of their seat is a godsend in a first grade classroom. Thank you!
We also are thankful for the other supplies. The pencils and erasers help us do our work. They loved getting to pick their favorite color for the pencil boxes. The scissors, yarn, plates, spooks, forks, and Ziploc bags make projects in math, science, social studies, and reading so much more interesting.
I can't even express how grateful I am for the Kleenex. With the up and down changes in the weather I think every one of them is sneezing or has a runny nose. The joys of teaching first grade. I really do love these little monsters.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
Colorful Supplies
Funded Nov 17, 2022The students were so excited when I showed them all of the colored pencils, crayons, and the construction paper you purchased for them. Everything was well used in the weeks leading up to Christmas. We have several other projects that we will be working on the rest of the year as well.
They have also discovered that these supplies make their classwork colorful and more interesting. ; ) After we read a story, we go back and find each question's answer in the story. We use a color code to remember which answer go with each question: 1 is blue, 2 red, 3 is yellow, etc. The highlighters have been a huge help with the new writing format that our county has implemented. The students can see at a glance if they have included all of the parts they need when writing paragraphs.
I think I see the biggest smiles when I hand them a bright colorful pencil on their birthday. Nothing creates a bigger smile than having a special pencil on you special day.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by Panda Cares and 3 other donors.Snacks to Get Me Through
Funded Sep 12, 2022Thank you so much for blessing our classroom with snacks. There are several students who never have a snack for the afternoon. You have given me the ability to provide each child in need with something to eat before leaving each afternoon. The students were thrilled when I showed them the snack choices they would have this school year, but their favorites always seem to be the Cheez Its and the potato chips. They don't even care that they are the healthier baked verities.
Whether you realize it to not, you have made a difference in their lives. Some of these little angels may have very little or even not have anything else to eat until they come back to school the next day. They can't wait to see what is in the snack tub each afternoon. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 3 other donors.Back to School 22-23
Funded Jun 8, 2022Thank you so much for helping the students in our classroom. They have absolutely loved the water bottles. I love the wrist straps on them. Every kid in the room has one hanging on the back of her/his desk, not sitting on the desk waiting to take a trip to the floor.
The crayons have been the biggest hit. We use crayons every day. Anyone who has ever been in a primary classroom knows that one box of crayons will never make it to Christmas break let alone to the end of the school year. Thank you for providing them with an extra set.
The motion bubblers are a prize every student wants to have on their desk for 15 min. Behavior has definitely improved for most of them.
The students were also excited to learn that each of them will have a set of geometric solids to use when we get to the geometry standards. We may have already played with them a little. We couldn't resist.
I am most appreciative of the snacks that were part of this donation. Not every chid has a snack for the afternoon. So many of them leave in the afternoon hungry. Some may not have enough to eat until they come back to school. With these snacks I know every child had something to eat before leaving each afternoon.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by SONIC Drive-In and 3 other donors.Stamping My Way to Better Spelling
Funded Dec 1, 2021Thank you for your generous donations. My students have absolutely loved the rubber stamps that you bought for them. During our morning word work station the students get to practice stamping out their weekly spelling words. The kiddos think they are just getting to have fun playing with the stamps. But, this extra practice has made a big difference in several of the Friday tests. We used the bead storage boxes to store the old smaller stamp sets we already had. They were very handy.
The kids have also had fun using the paper fastener brads to make their "toys". Being able to make a movable life cycle with the kids really keeps their attention and helps them to focus on the concept we are studying. These brads are the perfect size for holding two sheets of paper together. I have even used some of them in the after school program to help students learn measurement equivalents. Mr. Gallon Man sure does use a lot of the brads.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
Feeding Mind and Body
Funded Sep 23, 2021Bless you for donating to our classroom. You have helped my student with all of the games that you bought for them. The students absolutely love playing the phonics, spelling, and math games. They are learning, their skills are improving every day, and their standardized test scores are starting to go up. Yippee.
The kiddos were also so thankful for the snacks that you provided for them. Many of them get very little once they leave the building. I know these snacks aren't the healthiest in the world, but they do give them a little something fun to eat before heading home in the afternoon. Thank you!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 5 other donors.First Grade Here We Come
Funded Jul 22, 2021We are so happy with the set of 180 Days of... books. They have helped us learn new sight words, how to solve word problems, and read different types of stories. We have used the reading book to learn that fictional books are fun made up stories and informational books are real and teach us things. In our new science book we are learning about the many uses of sound and light. Did you know they can be used to send secret messages?
We do appreciate the books we are learning from, but our favorite things you bought for us are the games! Playing "Sight Word Swat" is lots of fun. We have learned we have to be careful. Sometimes we get too excited with the game and accidently swat/knock things off of the table. Oops.
We also love the "Sum Swamp Game". We are practicing our addition and subtraction facts within 20. We just wish Mrs. Pennington had bought more than one of this game. We all want to play at the same time.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
Yea! A New Year
Funded Apr 25, 2021Thank you so much for providing our classroom with so many of our needed supplies. Several of the students in our school come from low income families. That makes it hard to provide the necessary supplies for their children.
The students were thrilled to walk into the classroom on the first day of school and find new pencil boxes, pencils, colored pencils, and pencil sharpeners. The folders have been so helpful for keeping us organized.
One project we have worked on is colorful spelling words in our word study station. The students practice writing their spelling words in creative colorful ways. They love learning to spell their new words each week.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by T-Mobile and 7 other donors.Safe and Healthy Classroom
Funded Jan 22, 2021My students loved the supplies that you so generously donated. They were very excited to see all of the things they got. The individual packets of tissues and hand sanitizer helped keep us healthy. The individual pencil sharpeners, in a way, also helped to keep us healthy. We didn't have to touch pencils or sharpeners that others had touched.
One even helped us learn in fun and different ways. Learning how to add and subtract three digit numbers can be tricky, so we used the colored pencils to color code the ones, tens, and hundreds. This really helped the students understand how things are regrouped.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by The Center for Disaster Philanthropy and 6 other donors.Chromebooks
Funded Mar 27, 2018Thank you so much for purchasing our chrome books for us! This has made such a difference in our classroom. Now we have enough for all of my intervention students to have their own computer. That gives me the ability to assign each student individual work instead of having to group two or three students on the same computer. The kiddos also love that there is a computer that they can go get whenever they have extra time. They can't wait to get on the school's website to play the educational games. This has truly been a blessing for our classroom. Again, my students and I can't thank you enough.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Pennington
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple.