Past projects 1
We're Ready to Book It Into a New Year!
Funded Jun 23, 2018
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My students are going to be thrilled to get back to it this year when they see our classroom is stocked and ready with new materials and books! I am requesting dry erase markers, dice, and books for the classroom to help make this year go smoothly. The Expo markers will allow my students to engage in meaningful learning during lessons on the carpet. Students will be able to work on their dry erase boards and I will be able to monitor their progress as they work and provide them with feedback to help them acquire new skills. Additionally, I am requesting special math dice to engage in various math games throughout the year to make math more engaging and fun! Math is always more fun when games are involved. The Chris Van Allsburg books I requested will allow me to enhance my reading and writing lessons by providing examples from the books. They will also serve as texts used during his specific author study and students will be able to read them independently after they are used during lessons.