TV Production Equipment

Funded Oct 1, 2023

Thanks to your donations, we have been able to successfully start producing the announcement/news program for our school. I think the biggest transformation came from the teleprompter, which gave students real experience setting up and modifying a set without having to memorize lines (things move quick in the news world!). The teleprompter is also useful for people who aren't in the class, as they don't have to get used to a new system of reading information every time. It makes our productions look professional.

Speaking of professional, the Yeti microphone and green screen also help to make our productions sound professional. Something we've learned quite thoroughly this semester is that you can't fix bad audio. This often means that if something goes wrong in the recording process, we'll either need to take the long route of redoing everything, or we can use our new microphone to add voiceover and use stock footage to fill in the gaps. It has become an essential tool with our students!

Taking over TV production this year has been a huge change for me, and thanks to your support, I feel like I was able to learn the ropes with the right tools. Keep looking forward to increased production value as we continue to grow as a program.”

With gratitude,

Mr. Yoblonski