Supplies for Mad Scientists!

Funded Jul 23, 2024

From all of the 6th - 8th grade students at Williamson PK-8, we want to say thank you! My students have been impacted so deeply by the supplies purchased for them. Students in my area rarely have enough food to eat, let alone all the supplies necessary for class. When I began giving out the supplies, many children were nearly brought to tears, being so thankful to not have to worry about pencils and paper anymore.

The supplies purchased for the classroom such as cleaning and disinfecting wipes, I am forever grateful. During the first few months of school, students begin coming down with many different sicknesses, spreading them from one to another, rapidly infecting not only the middle school, but younger siblings and, in many instance, elderly grandparents who are primary caregivers. Your contribution to the middle school has given us the supplies necessary to clean our tables, door handles, light switches, and computer carts multiple times a day, lowering the spread of infection. Middle school students have risen to over 99% attendance this school year! That is all because of you!

Everything given to the classroom has been spread all over the middle school. Science classrooms are able to do competing group work and more student-led learning with the dry erase boards and markers! Students have been more engaged than ever and are gaining more confidence with each passing day. None of this would be possible without the tools needed to make it happen! You did that and I will forever be grateful to you and I know my students and fellow middle school teachers feel the same way!

Yous contribution has made a lifelong difference in the lives of many students and staff! You are amazing!”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Murphy