Past projects 54
Laminating Film for Lasting Memories
Funded Sep 19, 2024Thank you for helping to make this project of additional laminating film possible. The teachers have been busy laminating things for the classroom for students to use such as name tags and lunch tokens. Many teachers have been laminating student projects as well so they can be kept for a lifetime as a keepsake of their time at our school. Laminated papers and worksheets can also easily be used in the classroom as a motivating tool when students are able to do the work with a dry erase marker. The possibilities of laminating things in school are endless. It is because of your generosity that we are able to provide all these great things for our students. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
A Rug Fit For a Class
Funded Sep 19, 2024The students are really loving their new rug. We use it in class every day for activities such as morning meeting and listening to a story. I find the students ask to sit on the rug to do their work or read with a friend. I love the excitement it brings to the students.
The students also love having their own square to sit in. They find their square each time we do a rug activity, and it makes management on the rug much easier.
I cannot thank you enough for this great addition to our class. It is greatly appreciated. You are very generous and kind to think of helping our class with this project.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
Help For the Nurse
Funded Aug 15, 2024I know that it is just a little ice and a little ice machine, but I wish you really understood what a difference it made to the nurse and to all our little people who use the ice. For some reason, ice seems to cure everything from headaches to bellyaches. Whatever it does, it does it much easier these days. It is nice to know that the nurse will have a constant supply of ice without much effort to help our students get back on track. I kindly refer to the nurse's ice as miracle ice, and now you are part of that miracle. Thank you for making this happen for us.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
This classroom project was brought to life by The Gates Foundation and one other donor.Stools for All
Funded Aug 15, 2024The students just love the new, awesome, teal stools! They look great and are much safer than the old ones we had. I cannot thank you enough for helping make our classroom more enjoyable to do group work or just take a break. The stools are used daily and will continue to be. Some students ask to use them at their seats instead of the typical chair which adds to the flexible seating in the classroom. Thank you for your generosity and kindness. It is great to know that there are such kind, caring people in the world.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
This classroom project was brought to life by The Gates Foundation and one other donor.Motivation Is a Win Win
Funded Mar 7, 2024Our students have been super excited about the bicycles since they were put up on the stage. Just knowing that two of them will be able to take them home soon has really boosted their effort on our state testing. Taking the state tests can be very stressful for our students, so any extra boost in helping navigate those tests is greatly appreciated.
Our students have been anxiously awaiting the raffle for the bikes, and today they finally got to see who won. I have enclosed the pictures of the winners. I am so happy that one of the students didn't even have a bike and won it. The other student needed a new one, so they were perfect winners.
Thank you for putting such big smiles on the faces of our students. The motivation worked, and now you have made the year of another two of them. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
Parachute for Physical Education
Funded May 9, 2024I wish you could have been there when the students opened up the GIANT parachute in gym class. The smiles alone were worth the project. Even the gym teacher was excited to see the students light up and to see a new parachute that wasn't full of holes. When the students puffed up the parachute and sat inside it, it actually stayed puffed up because there weren't any holes to bring it down. They couldn't get enough. It was so big that the whole class easily fit around it without any fighting about being too close or anyone taking another's spot. It was fun to watch their excitement.
I truly cannot thank you enough. We have been enjoying the parachute in our class, and I know other classes will also enjoy this new, massive addition to gym class. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving such a fun gift to our students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
Early Toys of Massachusetts Bay Colony
Funded Apr 23, 2024Thank you so much for funding this project for my class. We have been enjoying exploring games that colonial children used to play. It is funny how children today can still have fun with simple toys such as tops and Jacob's Ladders. Part of our curriculum is to teach about Massachusetts and local history. I love to bring history alive with activities. These games that children used to play is a great addition to the classroom and curriculum. We have even had a chance to shoot arrows like the Wampanoag did. Granted, our arrows are suction cups that we shoot at the window, but the kids get the idea. They have even had a chance to write with a quill pen. How neat!! Thank you for providing these opportunities for us.
I am so thankful for your kindness in funding this fun, curriculum-filled project that my students will enjoy for years to come. We have enjoyed it already, and we have a day planned to just enjoy all the activities set up around the room. Thank you, truly.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 2 other donors.Base Ten Blocks
Funded Apr 19, 2024I love to bring math to life by providing as many manipulatives as possible. It is because of your generosity that my students can work on making numbers and seeing how place value really works. We use the base ten blocks to show regrouping for addition and subtraction. We can build numbers and show them in different ways that would not really be possible on paper. Using the base ten blocks brings their math to life, and I cannot thank you enough for helping to make this project possible for my students. I am truly grateful for your generosity. Thank you.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 2 other donors.We Have Magnetic Personalities
Funded Apr 21, 2024I wish you were in the room when I shared the Woolly Willy's and magnetic bookmarks with my class. They were so excited! I certainly let my students know that wonderful people who care about them donated the materials to the classroom.
I couldn't wait to let my students play. Once they were done with their assignment, I let them all have some fun. They loved making funny hair on Willy. It's amazing what fun an "old-fashioned toy" can be for kids who grew up with technology. I plan to leave Willy out for kids to keep playing with as the year progresses.
I cannot thank you enough for making this project possible. Thank you for being so kind and generous.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin
This classroom project was brought to life by Maxwell/Hanrahan Foundation and 2 other donors.Laminate to Create Lasting Memories
Funded Mar 29, 2024Our school has mentioned to me many times how grateful they are for all the great new equipment to make student work last longer by being able to laminate it. I make sure that they know it was all made possible by wonderful people like you who care about education and our students. I didn't have to search too hard to find people already cutting materials for students or to find student work already laminated and hanging on the walls. I truly wish you knew the impact that your donation had on our school, and in turn on the students. Thank you for all you have done for us. The gift is truly meaningful.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Malin