Past projects 4
Staying Smart & 6 Feet Apart
Funded Aug 2, 2020I would like to thank you for donating to our classroom! COVID learning has taken us all by storm and, while it has certainly been an adjustment, my students are ROCKING it on a daily basis. I contribute part of their success to you! During a normal school year, we are up and moving a LOT. We choose seats all around the classroom, have dance breaks, work closely with partners, and have lots of opportunities to get our second-grade wiggles out. This year, we are working on doing those things safely and your contribution to our classroom has helped us do just that.
Because of you, I was able to purchase enough wobble stools for each child in my class to have one! Students sit on the stools peacefully and attentively but can wiggle, twist, and lean any way they want. So while they are sitting safely in their own bubble, six feet apart, they are able to burn extra energy and remain focused during class.
Thank you so much for helping us make this strange school year extra fun and exciting! My students are consistently engaged, moving, and excited to be at school. Our classroom is our favorite place to be and you helped make that possible. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Worrell
Readers are Leaders
Funded Jul 18, 2019I cannot thank you enough for contributing to my classroom library by supporting my project here on Donor's Choose. If you did not know, I am new to second grade this year. I spent the summer scouring yard sales and thrift shops for gently used books, but nothing beats the smell and feel of a brand new book. My students love knowing they are the first to read these books and are working so tirelessly to take great care of them so they can be enjoyed by second graders for years to come.
In our classroom, we spend time working through rotations called the Daily 5. One rotation is called read to self. During this time, students self-select books on topics that interest them, find a cozy place in our classroom, and read. Students "book shop" from my classroom library once a week, choosing five new books each time. Your help allowed our classroom library to include new titles so that students have fresh and exciting reading material for every day of the week.
One of my favorite books provided by this project is called How This Book was Made. I have a student who loves writing. He is constantly creating his own stories in his journal, complete with a table of contents, title page, and illustrations. This book was the first one in his hands. He was so intrigued to read about the process of turning a rough draft into an actual book, and I was in awe of how this simple book helped him take his writing to the next level. Incorporating books about STEM and diverse cultures has allowed my class to explore their interests and broaden their horizons. We are so grateful for your contributions to our library and our learning.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Worrell
This classroom project was brought to life by and 4 other donors.Active Bodies and Active Brains!
Funded Apr 6, 2018"Thank you" just doesn't seem appropriate to express how tremendously grateful I am for the generous contribution you made to my students' learning. The wobble cushions and soft cushion seating options you helped provide have been invaluable to my students. The wobble cushions are a favorite because my wiggly students can place an air-filled cushion on their spot on the learning rug to help focus energy into learning. They can also place these in normal chairs to wiggle while they work! The soft cushions provide students with a soft place for their knees or bottoms while they work at our lowered table. These tools are invaluable during guided reading time, where students are required to work independently. They are able to choose a spot that helps them focus as they dive into a good book, write a magnificent story, or practice building words.
My students were overjoyed when I pulled the wobble cushions and soft cushions from their boxes! Previously, I had borrowed one wobble cushion from another teacher, and students were often begging to use it. Now I have enough for five students to use at once! The lowered table was a favorite, yet rather uncomfortable, spot in the classroom before; but now that students have support for their knees, I often catch them deeply engaged in their work as they lean over the table.
I am so eternally grateful to and donors like you who helped make our classroom feel a little more like home. Since this project was such a success, I plan to work to provide more flexible seating choices for my students. I have even noticed that other teachers and student teachers who have observed in my classroom are implementing flexible seating in their classrooms! Without you, our flexible space would not be possible. I hope you know that I, my students, and my school are so thankful for your contribution.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Worrell
Wobble While We Work!
Funded Mar 27, 2018"Thank you" just doesn't seem appropriate to express how tremendously grateful I am for the generous contribution you made to my students' learning. The wobble stools you helped provide have been invaluable to my students. The wobble stools look as if students are simply sitting and working, but in reality, they may be leaning, rocking, or wiggling in any direction! The stools are invaluable during guided reading time, where students are required to work independently. They allow my students who have trouble sitting still to engage their whole body in learning and focus as they dive into a good book, write a magnificent story, or practice building words.
My students were literally jumping and cheering when they walked into the room and saw our wobble stools! They could not believe they were going to stay in our classroom forever! Previously, I had borrowed one wobble stool from another teacher, and students LOVED getting to use it. They often asked, "Mrs. Worrell, do we have to give it back?!" Now I have enough wobble stools for five students to use at once! They are easily the most popular seat in the room!
I am so eternally grateful to DonorsChoose and donors like you who helped make our classroom feel a little more like home. Since this project was such a success, I plan to work to provide more flexible seating choices for my students. I have even noticed that other teachers and student teachers who have observed in my classroom are implementing flexible seating in their classrooms! Without you, our flexible space would not be possible. I hope that you know that I, my students, and my school are so thankful for your contribution.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Worrell
This classroom project was brought to life by Ripple.