Past projects 3
Cool Strategies to Handle Big Feelings
Funded Nov 28, 2023The Donor's Choose project you funded, "Cool Strategies to Handle Big Feeling,"has had a big impact on the students I work with. The sensory toys and mats were used to create a mindfulness corner that students can access to help them learn healthy ways to cope with their feelings. They can also access it as well when they need a moment of peace. Students have been taught how to use the daily feeling check-in cards and it has really helped students who are learning how to identify and communicate their emotions. The body socks have been introduced to a couple of our students who need a little extra sensory support when they feel overstimulated. The Crayola Touch Light Doodle Board has been a huge hit and students have enjoyed focusing activity while they practice calming strategies.
Your donation is supporting my school's goal of teaching students healthy ways to express and cope with their feelings. This is such an important foundational skill for school success and with your support we have more high quality materials to reinforce these skills.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Chaney
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Peace, Calm, and Ready To Learn!
Funded Dec 26, 2017Thank you for generously donating to support our initiative of teaching positive coping skills and emotional literacy to our youngest learners. The materials you purchased helped support our classroom "Calm Down Corners". These are safe places in the classroom where students can go to use learned coping skills to manage their strong emotions.
Teaching our young learners how to use positive coping strategies is a strong focus of ours this year. The materials you provided have complemented the deep breathing and yoga lessons we also have been doing in the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classrooms this school year. The students really enjoy using the emotion blocks and feeling mirrors. They are helping the students learn how to use new feelings words to describe their emotions. It has been really great to watch them grow in their social and emotional skills.
Thank you again for your wonderful donations. Your generosity has allowed me to provide fun and engaging materials to our young learners to help them grow and develop socially and emotionally, as well as, academically. I am excited to use these materials over the years with new students to help them feel safe, supported and ready to learn at school.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Chaney
3,2,1 Blastoff! in Early Literacy Skills
Funded Dec 21, 2017Your generous donations are being put to wonderful use and I am excited to share updates regarding this project. My colleagues and I were able to train two groups of exceptional middle school students to work with students in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten who need a little extra help. It has been amazing to watch the middle school students build and develop their leadership and mentor skills. Our youngest learners look up to these older students and are so excited to work with them using the materials you provided.
The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students have made great gains in their early literacy skills. They really are blasting off in these skills! We have been collecting data on how many letter names and sounds the Pre-Kindergarten students have mastered and they are making huge gains. The middle school students who work with them are very responsible and it has been great to see them in such a positive light. Our Kindergarten learners are growing in their mastery of sight words and CVC words. The gains they are making in their skills have helped them develop more confidence in the classroom as they prepare to read books on their own.
I can't thank you enough for your generous donations. The materials you provided have benefited multiple groups of students and helped them grow in skills that are vital for future success.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Chaney