Past projects 1
The Nifty-Fifty is the Best Prime Lens for Beginning Photographers
Funded Mar 3, 2021
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The cameras and lenses we use in class come as part of a kit. This camera kit is useful in teaching beginning commercial photography. My class is a career technology and education class. Some of my students will continue into photography as a career. However, there are limitations to exclusively using the kit lenses. With these 50mm lenses, we will be able to expand their photography skills and allow them to experience a prime lens for portrait and street photography. Portrait photography is a way to make meaningful connections with others. Since the daily masks hide the emotion and feeling in each other's faces, the 50mm lens will allow them to hone their skills with portrait photography. Allowing them at a safe social distance to produce images that capture the emotion of the eyes and find meaningful contact in their limited interactions. These 50mm lenses, also known as the Nifty-Fifty lens, is a great lens all photographers should have in their bag. With your help, we can build an inventory of these lenses to be used in addition to the kit lenses to give my students an additional skill for their career tool bag.