Clay for Healing Hands and Hearts

Funded Nov 13, 2018

This project brought new energy and excitement to the classroom. All the students created their own mug, some were personal and others were created as a gift for someone in their lives. It gave the students something to really look forward to as they individually asked me, when will my mug be ready?" While working on their mugs many students enthusiastically asked "When this mug is done can I drink out of it? " and I was happy to say yes!

To create the mug students began by rolling out slabs of clay. Then cut a long rectangle for the side of the mug. The slab was then assembled to form a cylinder. Students then had the choice to create texture, stamp letters or make personal designs Then students cut out a bottom and then created a handle to fit their mug. The mugs were then bisque fired and glazed.

After the mugs returned from the second firing students were wowed by the colorful shiny, glazes, as they all eagerly claimed their mugs. One student turned to me and said " this is so cool I really love my mug!"

I am so grateful for all the help I received to make this project a reality. It was amazing to be able to watch the students create these mugs with pride, and to have something to look forward to as they ventured down to the art room each week. Thank you all so much!”

With gratitude,

Ms. Foresman