Past projects 3
Building a Classroom of Lifelong Readers!
Funded Jan 12, 2023I cannot thank you enough for your generous donations. My students were so excited to get their hands on all of our new books!
These books have been a great addition to our classroom! It has been amazing to see my students who are newcomers to America feel successful as they are learning to read in English. These books have boosted their confidence in being able to read and they love moving on to the next set of books at the next reading level.
I have also been using these books in small group with my students who need more reading guidance. Again, seeing them feel confident with these books has translated to them feeling more confident in whole group lessons as well.
My whole class has benefited from the book bins! Having a newly organized library by genre in these easy to use bins have allowed them to find books they want to read more easily and therefore have more time to read.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Grassa
More Flexible Seating = More Engagement!
Funded Aug 13, 2019I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to my students. My students were over the moon when they saw all of the items and could not wait to use them!! They have been a perfect fit into our classroom routines and blended learning options.
We use our white board markers daily!! They are used each day during our math rotations and allows the students to be engaged while working on their math. We use them at teacher table and for many math games.
We also use our white board easel daily! One specific time of day is during our reading block. I teach our mini-lessons from the rug now that we have this easel! It makes for a great time for learning and academic conversation. It also provides the students with a much needed break from their desks while still learning.
However, the students favorite have been the surf seats. They really have given the students a place to feel comfortable and engaged in learning while on their tablets since they cannot use them on the floor. These seats have been the perfect addition to our flexible seating. Again, thank you very much!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Grassa
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 3 other donors.Flexible Seating...It's the Only Way to Work!
Funded Aug 26, 2018I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to my students. My students were over the moon when they saw all of the items and could not wait to use them!! They have been a perfect fit into our classroom routines and blended learning options.
We use our new flexible seating options daily!! One specific time of day is during our reading block. I meet with students for the last half hour of the day in their reading groups and there is nothing better to combat a long day then having a comfortable place to sit, read, enjoy a story and discuss it with each other. The bean bags and the floor seats are especially popular. They really have given the students a place to feel comfortable and engaged in their reading and learning.
The bouncy bands have also been invaluable to my students who have a hard time with focus. These little magic bands have made a huge difference in their learning.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Grassa
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 11 other donors.