Past projects 3
Flannel Board Comprehension
Funded May 6, 2023Thank you so much for your generous support of our flannel board project. Many of my students are enjoying using the flannel boards but we are not able to put their pictures in due to confidentiality regulations. We are enjoying reading books and then acting out the stories with the figures and characters that we received due to your generous support.
It has been a while since we received the materials I know but as they arrived we left for summer break. We have now sorted through all of the materials and been able to begin using them as we begin this 23-24 school year.
We are looking to expand our classroom resources this school year. We appreciate the support you have given us and feel blessed that you wanted to help us. Thank you”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Van Dyke
Corner of Calm
Funded Nov 29, 2022I so appreciate all of your time and donations toward our corner of calm. The students at the school have really appreciated the calming place in our school. It gives them a place to go and be in a quiet space when they need to calm or when they need to be alone with thoughts to work through them.
We have a few students that need sensory time where they are able to calm using compressions or squeezes as they call them and all of the tall partitions give them that space to do that with a little privacy. Students all have their very own way of calming and this allows them the area and space to do this whether the way they calm is to just sit in a beanbag and read a book for a few minutes or whether they want to roll on a muscle roller, or whether they want to have just silence in a quiet tent for a few.
We appreciate all that you have done to contribute to this place for our students. We look forward to continuing to build our sensory place and making it even more accessible to student needs in the future.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Van Dyke
This classroom project was brought to life by an Anonymous Classroom Supporter and 3 other donors.Calming Zone
Funded Aug 10, 2022My students and I so appreciate all of your help in supporting this project and helping us to make the sensory/calming room a reality in our school building. It has been a very positive addition to our school building. The whole school benefits from the use of the sensory room which is so amazing. Anytime a student wants to use the room they just have to ask an adult by letting them know that they need some time away to calm or some time to refocus their brain.
Each day after recess in order to balance their brains and start their afternoon off well the first and second grade students that have determined they need some time alone or to do the maze ask their teachers and are allowed a quick mind maze break. We talk about the benefits to their brains and how this helps to slow them down and refocus before they enter back into the learning part of their brain. The students ask questions and they are responsible and ask how they can help.
The other portion of the room is the calming area in this area students who are feeling overwhelmed can have a few minutes in the tent to regain control, or students can draw, or read on the comfy bean bags. Each section is partitioned off so that it can be used as a quiet space and more than one student can use the space at a time.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Van Dyke
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 6 other donors.