Past projects 2
Closing the Reading Comprehension Gap
Funded Jan 23, 2022We Need Diverse Books!
Funded Mar 3, 2020This classroom project was brought to life by A group of anonymous donors and 4 other donors.
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SJHS has writers and readers from all backgrounds and learning differences. One of the best accommodations we've found for these aspiring, but struggling, authors is being able to type their stories, essays, and ideas in the Google Suite. It broadens the accessibility of writing to students who struggle with tradition writing, such as those with dyslexia and dysgraphia, by giving different font and contrast options, and avoiding handwritten assignments. The spellcheck option helps students with various IEP classifications to gain the confidence to edit their own work, making it readable for their peers and teacher. Donations for this project will replenish a needed resource for the the teaching of quality writing, and reading remediation. Both my Secondary Reading (Remedial Reading) and Creative Writing class use Chromebooks everyday. Secondary Reading uses the Reading Plus program, an analytical diagnostics assessment software that creates individualized reading activities for students based on their fluency, comprehension, and interest. This program guarantees at least two grade levels of improvement a semester, with the intent of getting them back to their current grade level of comprehension. Creative Writing is exactly what it says in the title. Students use the Chromebooks daily to type, edit, revise, share, and publish their narrative creations. We’ve done a variety of different story collaborations, ranging from child co-authored picture books, group fantasy stories, partner science fiction stories, and this year we will be teaming up with out-of-state schools to collaborate on a realistic fiction project. Following the state core, my students also use technology to publish on Storybird, and submit their writing to various writing contest, giving them a legitimate audience to prepare their work for.