Past projects 9
Books That Represent Us
Funded Mar 16, 2021Students loved getting to read books with characters like them! The books are in their second year in the classroom library getting loved by their second group of students. Students both years have loved getting to read these stories and I have loved getting to see the looks on the their faces as they looked through all of the books.
Thank you again for allowing my students to see themselves in the books they are reading! I have loved getting to see students fall in love with reading and celebrate seeing themselves on the pages of the books they are reading.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 3 other donors.Books Are Windows to the World
Funded Mar 16, 2021The students loved getting to see themselves in the books they were reading! Walking into the classroom for the first time after all the books had been added to the classroom students were so excited. Hearing students talk about which book they wanted to read next was so refreshing to hear.
The excitement of first graders getting to see themselves in the books they were reading was amazing. Thank you again for providing my students with an opportunity to fall in love with a book that had characters like them in it.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Pigeon and Pete the Cat Make Great Friends
Funded Dec 1, 2020The books bought through this project thanks to your generous donations were loved by students. When students were finally able to return to the classroom they were overjoyed to see all of the Pete the Cat and Pigeon books waiting for them in the classroom library. Students often asked to read books from this project during any free time.
While making our end of the year memory books many students said their favorite part of our classroom was all the good and funny books they had to read. Many of the students listed at least one Pete the Cat or Pigeon book as one of their favorite books to read.
Thank you again for your generous donations. The books from this project helped students deepen their love of reading!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 3 other donors.A Good Read to Help Me Lead
Funded Oct 22, 2020The books provided by this project have helped spark wonderful discussions in our classroom. Most recently the book "I'm Happy-Sad Today" helped start a conversation about our feelings about switching from full remote learning to hybrid. "I'm Happy-Sad Today" focuses on feeling more than one emotion at the same time and how although it can be confusing is perfectly normal. Students could relate as many were excited and nervous about returning to the classroom or sad and frustrated about staying home to learn. Talking about emotions can be a challenge but this book provided students a way to see they were not the only ones who feel multiple emotions at the same time.
Another book from this project, "Lucy's Mask" was used right before the first day of in school learning to help as an introduction to wearing masks and the new rules of being in the classroom. The book continued to be used as other staff borrowed it to read with their own students.
Other books in this project have been used for discussions around what causes certain feelings, who students can talk with about their feelings and about consequences for both positive and negative emotions. At a time when students are feeling a mix of emotions and facing uncertainty in their everyday lives the books provided by this project have helped students talk about how they are feeling and bring the class closer together.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Donor and one other donor.Math We Can Handle
Funded Oct 1, 2020Thank you again for your donation to our classroom! The materials for this project have been used during both virtual learning and when we briefly returned to the building. Our most used item so far has been the "Giant Magnetic Visual Models Chart". This chart has allowed my students to see different ways to make a number, add and subtract. This has added to our classroom math discussions by allowing multiple students to show their work and explain their work at the same time. I can not wait to see students be able to use this chart even more when we return to the building.
Each item this project provided is big enough to allow students the chance to see it through the computer or from a safe distance away. Regular versions of the objects in this project would be difficult to use with the way school currently looks. These materials have made it easier for me to show students examples and to recreate their work big enough for their peers to see it.
We have not gotten to use all of the materials yet, such as, the clock and magnetic money as those units are taught closer to the end of the school year. However, students have seen all the materials and are excited to use them when the time comes.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by The DonorsChoose Community and 2 other donors.Dry Erase Boards Erase Paper Needs
Funded Aug 11, 2020The materials from this project get used on a daily basis across the grade. When in the classroom so many of the tasks we do involve paper. While teaching virtually students did not have paper as easily accessible to them as they do in school, making the dry erase boards a vital part of remote learning.
Students use their white boards for every subject during the week and can use them several times in the course of a school day. Students can use the boards as scrap paper during math, as a way to show their answers to the class or as a replacement for the paper assignment they misplaced. Student engagement in their learning increases when they get to use their boards because "it is way more fun" according to the class.
As we approach the third week of December students have spent only one week in the classroom, with some students opting not to return yet at all. The students that did return to the classroom for a week in October also found their boards to be valuable during in person instruction. Passing out of paper materials while maintaining the required distance posed a challenge. Using their dry erase boards to write answers or as scrap paper to accompany an assignment on the projector was the easiest way for students to show their work.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and 3 other donors.Hands-on Math Magic
Funded Aug 9, 2020This project gave students a way to manipulate math while they learn from home. As we approach the third week of December students have spent only one week in the classroom, with some students opting not to return yet at all. Most of the materials received from this project went home with students prior to the start of the school year in September. At pickup students and their families were very grateful and excited to be able to bring their materials home.
As students learn to manipulate numbers while adding and subtracting hands on materials help students learn the "why" behind the math. Students have been able to use their number lines, ten frames and linking cubes to visualize the math. Providing students with the hands-on approach they find in the classroom while at home is important for the student's success in math. That valuable hands on approach was made possible by the materials in this project we were able to acquire through your generous donations.
Students have used the dice in a variety of ways this school year. They used the dice at the beginning of the school year to review counting and numbers. They are using their dice now as tools for addition. The dots on the dice provide visuals to aid in adding. As we continue into subtraction students will continue to use dice as a hands on and visual guide to subtracting.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and 2 other donors.Creative Minds of Little Learners
Funded Aug 9, 2020This project has made a lasting impact on the education of current first graders at my school and given them a chance to step away from their computers during remote learning. As we approach the third week of December students have spent only one week in the classroom, with some students opting not to return yet at all. Most of the materials received from this project due to your generous donations went home with students prior to the start of the school year in September. Parents and students picked up the materials at school and student's eyes lit up with excitement as they were given their materials. As we have continued to learn online, getting students a chance to learn away from the computer was possible thanks to the materials sent home with them.
Many day to day tasks were made possible by the materials this project provided. Students have been able to read poems about the word family of the week and use their new highlighters to search and highlight the word family words they find. They have been able to use markers to make writing their spelling words colorful and fun. Their scissors and glue have allowed them to cut apart letters to make the words of the week. Crayons and pencils provided students the chance to write and draw. Each of these tasks occur everyday when learning in the classroom but learning at home could not occur without help.
While most materials went home with students the Play Doh stayed behind in the classroom. During our week of hybrid in person learning recess looked a lot different than a normal year. Students would normally be sharing and playing with their peers during recess but in these times that is not possible. Students were each given their own Play Doh to play with during indoor recess time. When exploring the items in their desk during their first few minutes in the classroom every student excitedly commented about having their own Play Doh. Students interacted with each other from across the room to teach their classmates how to make a Play Doh rose or butterfly.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by A Generous Donor and one other donor.A Comfy Seat Goes Great With a Good Book
Funded Jan 3, 2020Thank you so much for your generous donation to our classroom. The flexible seating that your donation has helped add to our classroom is going to give students the chance to be more comfortable as they continue to learn. I am so excited for the students to put everything to good use. Thank you again for your donation.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Arment
This classroom project was brought to life by an anonymous donor and 3 other donors.