Past projects 1
Help My Class Pretend, Learn, and Grow!
Funded Dec 18, 2017
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We are a Kindergarten classroom at Birchwood Elementary School in Bellingham, Wa. Our classroom is full of love and learning! Our students come from diverse life experiences which makes our school a great place where we can learn from each other everyday! The majority of our students qualify for free or reduced lunch, which means that their families live below the poverty level. This can mean that sometimes our students have not had the opportunity to take trips; participate in extra curricular activities; access community resources like museums, theaters, or farms; or interact with high quality learning materials. It is our responsibility and honor at Birchwood to provide opportunities to ALL of our children that help them to have rich, well rounded, and inspiring school experiences which will shape them into curious, passionate, and thoughtful leaders of tomorrow. Your contribution can change lives, thank you!