Past projects 2
All the Things!
Funded Feb 3, 2022Having a laminator with different hardnesses of lamination has helped me make things that are going to last. I have made all sorts of hands-on activities for my students. I have made word family papers that kids can place magnetic letters or even write on to create word families. I have pictures where students have to figure out the first sounds of each picture and write them down to create new words. Then sound out the new word they create. This is helping students with Phonics skills and creating better readers.
The timers have been used in all areas of teaching and student learning. I have had kids who need a mental break before completing school/tasks. They can walk back to my calming corner and flip a timmer and take a break. I also use them for students that spend a lot of time just thinking about writing. I will give them a timer and remind them it is a brainstorming minute. Flip the timmer and they know they have thinking time and writing time.
I love that I can give kids the things they need to be successful in school! Thanks!!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
Learning on the Next Level
Funded Jan 23, 2022I can not begin to say THANK YOU enough. Headphones are a necessity in today's classroom. Nebo school district has implemented Amira this year and every student needs headphones with a mic I was able to get started right away because I had the supplies. Amira is an AI reading tool that specifically targets students' needs for mini lessons to help improve reading skills.
The Vinal Dots are on my table to work with small groups. This saves time when working with students. Instead of having students find their supplies like whiteboards, it is just attached to the desk and always ready to go. In a 20 min lesson that 1 to 3 min to find supplies is valuable. I have that little extra time to give one-on-one help to my students in Reading and Math. The kids love being able to work at my desk easily and I often get asked if they can just sit there all the time instead of at their desks. This helps with engagement in my lessons.
The compact Mirrors have helped specifically my speech students. I had 7 students this year with speech struggles. Having mirrors for them to look into and see if they are forming their mouths correctly for each letter sound helped them a ton. I feel like it has also helped students who would have qualified for speech but are getting the help they need before they qualify for speech.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Peterson
This classroom project was brought to life by Utah State Board of Education and 2 other donors.