The novel, Wonder, by R.J. Palcia is a moving story of a boy with a facial deformity who enters schools in the fifth grade and faces isolation as his peers struggle with acceptance, kindness, strength and independence. This book explores themes of bullying, peer pressure, and compassion. The topic is extremely relevant at this age level, the book is well-written, and evokes strong emotions, which will engage students in reading.
This novel study will help students to "choose kind" as well as develop their empathy for others. Mother Theresa said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless". In today's world, it is more important than ever to celebrate differences, as well as acknowledge that at our core, we are all the same. This is especially important in our school, where the student population is diverse in many ways, in a world in that is increasingly diverse itself. Experiencing "Wonder" as a class will help set a tone of kindness, compassion, and tolerance and encourage the acceptance of differences. It will help create a strong classroom community and teach students to not only take responsibility for their actions, but realize how their actions impact others.
Finally, a class set of this book will help students develop close reading and critical thinking skills. Students will be able to read independently and with others, while exploring essential literary skills, including understanding point of view, character development, mood, tone, figurative language and plot elements. Throughout the novel study, students will complete reading responses and support their ideas with evidence. All of this will develop student confidence in reading and writing but more importantly, encourage them to choose kind and be more thoughtful citizens of the world.
About my class
The novel, Wonder, by R.J. Palcia is a moving story of a boy with a facial deformity who enters schools in the fifth grade and faces isolation as his peers struggle with acceptance, kindness, strength and independence. This book explores themes of bullying, peer pressure, and compassion. The topic is extremely relevant at this age level, the book is well-written, and evokes strong emotions, which will engage students in reading.
This novel study will help students to "choose kind" as well as develop their empathy for others. Mother Theresa said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless". In today's world, it is more important than ever to celebrate differences, as well as acknowledge that at our core, we are all the same. This is especially important in our school, where the student population is diverse in many ways, in a world in that is increasingly diverse itself. Experiencing "Wonder" as a class will help set a tone of kindness, compassion, and tolerance and encourage the acceptance of differences. It will help create a strong classroom community and teach students to not only take responsibility for their actions, but realize how their actions impact others.
Finally, a class set of this book will help students develop close reading and critical thinking skills. Students will be able to read independently and with others, while exploring essential literary skills, including understanding point of view, character development, mood, tone, figurative language and plot elements. Throughout the novel study, students will complete reading responses and support their ideas with evidence. All of this will develop student confidence in reading and writing but more importantly, encourage them to choose kind and be more thoughtful citizens of the world.
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