Solar in the Classroom: The World on Solar!

Funded Mar 27, 2018

Solar in the Classroom: The World on Solar!

Dear Donors,

I would like to thank your company for its generous donation to help my Integrated/Earth Science class to better understand the concepts of electricity and energy conversion through the use of robotics. I teach at an alternative public high school, these students have not done well in the traditional school, so, it was important to keep them engaged with hands-on activities. With the robotic kits that my class has been awarded, my students are able to experience science and learn about alternative energy through hands-on activities, instead of just reading about the alternative energy.

The robotics kit that the class was awarded are awesome and the students loved getting to build a robot of their design and then see it move when we added solar power to it. These kits help students understand how electricity from different sources is able to control small motors to help move their robots. When the students first designed their robots and tested them they did not work the way that they were supposed to. This allowed me to teach them how to troubleshoot the power issue using a battery. The students were able to find that there were some plastic pieces that were not trimmed correctly. Once the pieces were trimmed, the robots worked like it was supposed to.

Again I thank your company for helping my students continue on a path of success and develop a foundation of science, a better understanding of alternative energy and electricity.”

With gratitude,

Mr. Stewart