Past projects 1
Technology for Engaging Mathematics
Funded Aug 12, 2018
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When my students are introduced to a topic they will see the traditional whiteboard and maybe a projected video. There is no excitement in that and no interactivity! A Promethean ActivBoard would provide them with more engaging lessons and hands on activities for better understanding. The new generation of students thrive when they can learn through the use of technology. I want to make my students excited to learn new concepts and what better way than to use the technology they are so enthralled in. I want them to be able to come to the front of the class and manipulate the math in real time. Most importantly, I want them to see math in new ways that they might never have imagined! Students will be able to use the Promethean ActivBoard to participate in hands-on activities. One example is being able to see that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees by measuring each angle with a protractor. The ActivBoard then turns this measurement into a slice of a pie. When done on all three angles the three slices will be able to be put together to form a half circle. This is just one activity of many that would allow students to learn in a different way. Your donation will propel my students into modern learning and open their minds to new realms of mathematics!