Past projects 2
A Step Towards Healthy Learning
Funded Feb 12, 2018My students and I are enjoying our new materials. We now have paper, pencils, and erasers to do projects such as compose our own pieces, document instrument sounds and so much more. We are also staying much healthier with our needed tissues and hand sanitizer.
Currently, we are learning about instruments. Fourth grade, is learning how to write music by composing their own recorder piece and they are loving it! First grade is learning how to identify and document instruments that you can strike, shake, or scrape.
These projects would not be possible without your generous donation! I cannot thank you enough for your all of your kindness! I am so grateful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pylant
Sanity Savers, Basic Needs For Paper
Funded Oct 3, 2017My students were very excited when they first saw the materials you provided for our classroom, particularly the white board erasers. They have thoroughly enjoyed using them. The pocket protectors have allowed me to significantly lower my paper usage for which I am grateful. One example of this is when we used the pocket protectors, dry erase markers, and the erasers to help us better understand time signature. This is a very abstract concept for third graders to understand. With the pocket protectors allowing me to use the same worksheets over and over, I saved paper and my students were still given the opportunity to actively engage in learning. A concept that can become very frustrating to learn was turned into a fun learning experience.
Of course, this is merely one example of how some of these materials were used. The clipboards, glue and scissors been used in many projects from listening activities to writing poems based on rhythmic notation. I am so grateful for your contribution to my classroom and plan on continually using these great resources. My students and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Pylant