Past projects 1
A Generation Z Education
Funded Aug 23, 2017
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It is imperative they begin to have access to information for themselves everyday. I am a staunch believer that students will succeed and be engaged when the content is something that brings a sense of joy to them. When reading, writing, and math are a struggle, it sure is a thrilling experience when the core content is delivered in an accessible, developmentally appropriate, and visual way. A way that delivers joy. "We need technology in every classroom, and in every students and teachers hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world." -David Warlick As an educator I use technology in the classroom everyday. Some of the ways I use technology are; pull current events from around the world, pictures of animals/habitats, document trends in data, play music, display maps, show videos of satellites that rotate our solar system, as well much, much more! To have these tablets in my class, students will be able to use them as they rotate during our Daily 5 literacy block, our Daily 3 math block, and use the tablet for daily research in writing, science and social studies. In my opinion, a classroom is not an effective learning environment without access to the internet and technology. Through this grant, I will be able to gift my students with access to an infinite amount of content. I will be there guiding and supporting them to access the information in attainable ways. Thank you for any way in which you can contribute to this effort!