Past projects 2
New Year, New School Supplies!
Funded Oct 22, 2023Thank You for your generous donations to my class. Your kind gesture has helped fund our project " New Year, New School Supplies". Our class now has basic supplies for the remainder of the school year.
My students appreciate that they do not have to worry about basic needs like pencils, sharpeners, glue sticks, sheet protectors, and cardstock paper. The sharpener is quick, sharpens well (better than by hand), and has no mess — the wood shavings go neatly into a plastic compartment with no spillage. In the past year, I had to shop for new supplies at the end of each week because I was out of supplies. My story differs this year, and my students and I are so grateful.
With the weather getting colder, I am not worried as I have the necessary basic supplies to keep our class going. Your generous donation has allowed my students to maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness. Tissues are essential during the cold and flu season, as they can help prevent the spread of germs.
When I asked my students what they would like to say to our donors?
One student wrote, "We are grateful to them for providing us with materials needed for our classroom... they are so kind. Another student said, "Wow, they are the best!"
Your kindness means a lot to my students. Some of them have even decided to pay it forward when they are older. They did not just receive school supplies, your kindness made a positive impact on them and will create a ripple effect of kindness.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Quarmine
Basic Needs for the Classroom
Funded Feb 9, 2023I wish each of you could have seen the excitement on my student's faces when they realized the boxes in the corner were special gifts just for them. They asked over and over "Where did this come from?". Generosity from a stranger is something my kiddos found hard to understand at first. Your gifts have not just given the kids tools in their hands. It has given them a broader view of the world and how we all can care for each other.
Basic needs like scissors headphones and privacy shields are needed for the classroom. A computer without a good headphone can be noisy and distracting to students during small groups, centers, and independent work time. Classroom privacy shields have many benefits including creating individual workspaces for students, fostering pride in the workspace, and helping to eliminate distractions and wandering eyes. With the items provided in this project, my students are engaged in their independent assignments as they have the needed resources to stay focused.
By choosing to donate to our project, Basic Needs for the Classroom you have not only helped to improve and increase student attention and focus, but you have ultimately helped to increase my student's academic achievement.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Quarmine
This classroom project was brought to life by Black History Month Partners and 6 other donors.