Past projects 8
Calm Classroom: Mental Health Tools for Student Success
Funded Oct 31, 2024I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation to my "Calm Classroom: Mental Health Tools for Student Success" project on DonorsChoose. Your support has made a profound impact on the students I serve, and I want to take this opportunity to share the positive changes that have occurred in our classroom as a result of your contribution.
The resources you provided have been a game-changer for both the social-emotional wellbeing and academic success of my students. With your help, I was able to introduce tools and strategies that promote mindfulness, emotional regulation, and stress management. These tools have had an immediate and lasting effect on the overall climate of our classroom. Students now have access to calming sensory tools, mindfulness exercises, and visual aids that help them navigate their emotions more effectively, especially during moments of stress or frustration.
One of the most noticeable improvements has been in students' ability to focus and remain present during lessons. Many of the students in our class face challenges related to anxiety, past trauma, or general stress, and these challenges often interfere with their academic performance. However, with the mental health tools that you helped fund, they are now better equipped to manage their emotions before they negatively impact their learning. Whether using a magnetic sculpture or stress ball to release nervous energy or taking a few moments to breathe deeply and sit with Charlie the dog, these small but powerful interventions have significantly improved their ability to stay engaged in the classroom.
The impact of your donation extends far beyond the classroom. Your investment in mental health tools has empowered students to take control of their emotional wellbeing, and as a result, they are thriving both academically and personally. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and support in making this project a reality. It is truly making a difference in the lives of these students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
Rocketbooks for AP Capstone
Funded Aug 18, 2022I cannot begin to tell you how much the Rocketbooks have impacted our AP Seminar class. The course itself is very challenging and requires students to work on a variety of projects, presentations, and essays. Your generosity has supported students academically, but also helped them develop their executive functions skills.
Students feel less stressed because they are able to organize information, stay on track with their projects, and, best of all, share their information with their project partners and me without fear of losing their hard work.
They absolutely love using their new tools, and they cannot imagine going back to the old paper and pen format for taking notes and conducting research. They love that they are helping the environment through the use of reusable notebook paper and they love feeling organized and on top of their game.
Thank you again for your generosity and support!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 18 other donors.Stand and Deliver (and Learn)!
Funded Apr 19, 2022I cannot even begin to explain how wonderful the classroom's new standing desk has been for all of my students. Just having the option available for students who are feeling fidgety - the swinging foot bar is amazing! - or who are just tired of sitting all day has been terrific. Students feel like they are able to make a decision about how they will participate in class and being given that choice as soon as they enter the room leads to more positive participation. Students are more engaged in the reading, which is no easy feat as we get closer to the end of the school year, and standing helps students feel more awake and energized. Some students will stand all period, while others will eventually pull up a chair and continue their work. Again, it all comes down to giving students options and the ability to choose what they need to participate in class.
I wish I had not waited until the end of the year to create this project, but I am glad I did. I know my students are grateful for the opportunity as well.
Thank you again for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
Shakespeare with a Twist
Funded Oct 8, 2019Thank you all for your generous gifts to my students. We are all very excited to take on this project and connect Shakespeare to our modern world. There are no words to express how thrilled I am about this opportunity.
On behalf of my students and co-teacher, thank you so very much.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 13 other donors.Inclusive YA Lit for Our Classroom Library
Funded Aug 7, 2018Every week in my classroom, students are able to select a book to read for pleasure in class. One would think that students would hate this part of the week, after all, they have their phones and social media to entertain them 24/7. There is, however, something soothing about opening a book, that no one is forcing you to read, and escaping into the text without concern about likes or comments.
The books you have provided my students allow them this escape. These books are not about improving SAT scores or passing a test; they are a brief respite from the stress of being a teenager with a lot on his or her plate.
Your thoughtful and generous donation has made an important mark on my students lives, and for that, I thank you.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
African American Literature Library
Funded Aug 2, 2017Your donation of the books, Dreams from My Father and Americanah, have made a much greater impact than you could have ever imagined. Over 90% of the students in my school are Hispanic and Latino, and there has never been an opportunity for our small African American population to celebrate the art, literature, and accomplishments of people from their own culture. Bringing these books into the classroom has give these students an opportunity to see themselves reflected in the characters and authors of these great works. It has allowed students an opportunity to celebrate themselves and their histories in a way they did not think was possible.
Thank you for providing my students with this amazing gift. I will treasure this donation, and the impact it has had on my students, for a lifetime.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
YA Novels for Voracious Readers
Funded Sep 3, 2017My students and I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation of YA novels for my voracious readers. These books are being checked out on a regular basis and enjoyed by all of my students. Studies will show that the more students read, the better they do on standardized tests, but that is not why I wanted them. These books enrich their imaginations, give them a window into other worlds, and offer them an escape from the everyday.
It can be very difficult to get a student to read something from the cannon, but if you introduce them to a character he or she can connect to, that will often lead to other books and new authors the student would never have discovered. There is nothing quite like giving students twenty minutes for independent reading and realizing that no one is saying a word because everyone is transfixed by a novel.
One student in particular is especially grateful for your donation. J does not look like a heavy reader; in fact, most of his teachers assume he is a gangbanger or drug dealer. He loves to read, and he is a very talented writer. Among the books donated was a novel by one author J. loved. It made such an impact on him that we gave him several other books by the author, and he has decided he would like to major in English in college and write YA books. I cannot say that it was the donation alone that made this shift, but I can say that it helped change the course of this student's life. He now believes he, too, can be a writer because someone like him wrote a novel that he loved.
The few minutes you took to make a simple donation has changed the lives of my students. I cannot thank you enough for the impact you have made on my class and my students.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh
Collaborative Learning and Formative Assessment
Funded Aug 23, 2017The contribution you made has provided my students with a wonderful opportunity to develop their own thinking and has improved their ability, and willingness, to participate in group discussions. As social as students are online through social media, many lack the social skills and/or confidence to participate in a discussion with their peers. Using a tool as simple as the mini dry erase boards has empowered many, if not most, of my students. They are talking, sharing responses, listening to ideas, and communicating in a way that did not happen previously.
Your donation has also made my job easier. I can ask students to share their responses using the easel paper or dry erase board and get conduct an immediate formative assessment. I can figure out what we know, what we are still working on, and what has us totally confused.
One of our school's goals this year was to utilize collaborative conversations in the classroom. To be honest, as a teacher, it can be pretty hard to give up some control in your classroom, but these tools have made that transformation so much easier. This gradual release of responsibility has empowered my students to be independent thinkers, but also respectful listeners and positive thought partners in the classroom. For that, I am forever grateful for you thoughtfulness and generosity.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Welsh