Past projects 1
Alternative Seating
Funded Sep 4, 2017
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Alternative seating has many benefits for both the mind and the body. Alternative seating is an approach to learning that contributes to better learning outcomes, focused attention, and positive behavior. By having flexible seating students are able to explore their best way to learn by utilizing the various seating options. By having a range of seating options, students are able to stay active and engaged learners in the classroom, and this will lead students to increased academic achievement. Research supports the idea that various seating options can be used to improve attention in students. Alternative seating also helps the body, including burning more calories, using up excess energy, improving metabolism, increased motivation and engagement, creating a better oxygen flow to the brain, and improving core strength and overall posture. The seating will be placed throughout the classroom creating a variety of comfortable working environments. Some seats will be placed in our reading center in order to produce a pleasant reading space. Other seats will be put throughout the classroom along with clipboards for students to complete various written work they may be assigned. Students will be able to pick and choose daily where they would like to sit so they can have the best academic atmosphere for them.