Past projects 7
Science in Motion Through Hands-On Learning!
Funded Jan 15, 2025Thank you for thinking of my students and supporting their learning! They are so excited to be getting new materials to support their learning. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. We can't wait to apply these new materials in our class! Once again, thank you for helping us learn!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
Naked Classroom Needs Help!
Funded Aug 9, 2022My students and I are so appreciate of the blessings you have provided us with. When I told the students that the materials were provided for free by DonorsChoose donations, their faces were priceless. The shock they had and excitement made my heart full of joy as well. One student told me that she was glad she didn't have to pay for it, because her mom has a lot of kids and they don't have money.
Our classroom has a welcoming feeling with the decor. The students told me the class feels calm and relaxing. School can be stressful and cause a variety of emotions. I am glad they feel like this is their second home.
Additionally, students have loved using the resources like the folders you provided. They have a safe place for their writing and math work. They utilize the folders for the references on the folder, which is helpful when writing and completing math work. These resources are used daily, so we are so thankful to have them.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and 3 other donors.Making Hybrid Fun
Funded Feb 9, 2022Thank you for the generous donations that have helped make the hybrid learning a bit less strenuous on my students! Students have been able to have assignments and projects assigned in Google Classroom. It makes a copy for each student to complete their own, and they can also follow along while I share my screen with them.
Having the capability to have these resources online and in person, makes all students able to learn simultaneously. With funding, some materials I was able to purchase were writing in Google Slides, a digital math project, exit tickets to check student learning, and some virtual field trips since students aren't able to take any trips in our district this year!
By having these resources that are educational and engaging, students have been excited about what they are learning. Student comments include: "This so fun!" "I love this project!" "I now understand how to do it!" Thank you for providing me with these resources for them! We are so grateful!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
Love for Literacy
Funded Aug 11, 2020Thank you for blessing my students with these monthly Storyworks magazines. These also come with digital lessons, interactive features, and various genres. By utilizing these magazines both in hand and digitally, students have been able to practice their reading skills. Students have been working hard on identifying non-fiction text features, and expanding their vocabulary.
Reading in my classroom is done in multiple ways. Students use the magazines to highlight important text, and be able to manipulate actual pages when they read. This allows students to focus on fluency and comprehension. A major component to reading is comprehending what is read. Having the ability to underline and highlight text allows students to really grasp these skills.
Additionally students have enjoyed the digital component of Storyworks. The website is easy for them to access, and they enjoy reading on their own or in small groups. Students have enjoyed the paired videos that go along with the articles. For my lower level readers, they also have the ability to play the audio as they follow along with the words. I am thankful to help my students, even during the time where our classroom looks a bit different due to the global pandemic. Thank you for blessing my students, as they are so amazed that this was donated for them!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and one other donor.Together We Rise!
Funded Aug 15, 2020Thank you for blessing my class with these items. I was able to give students each their own supplies. This has helped us keep everyone safe during the pandemic. Student no longer have to share materials, which prevents germs from spreading.
The students were full of excitement when they saw the items they were gifted. I used the opportunity to discuss kindness, and how they can do something good for others as well. They really loved the kneaded erasers. Students described them as squishy and fun!
Our classroom is continuing to keep everyone safe, but excited for all that we are learning. Students have been using the fidget bands to help keep them on task when they can't just get up and move freely around the room. We are all hoping to return to normalcy soon, but thankful for staying safe during the time we have together.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and one other donor.Distance Won't Stop Us!
Funded Aug 11, 2020I am so grateful for your generosity and impact you have made on my students. My students have had many challenges this year due to the current pandemic. The way students learn has been transformed, and keeping them engaged in learning was essential for me as a teacher.
In my current classroom, we have applied these digital resources to create fun and engaging learning activities in all areas. I have been able to purchase a grammar a day Google Slide where students can practice Third Grade skills. I have also been able to purchase Autumn Arrays so students get more of a hands on visual approach to their multiplication facts. Students have also used journals to discuss their feelings about school, and also communicate with their classmates.
My students were excited for the materials. They were thankful other people thought of them, and cared enough to donate to our class. We have been able to take virtual field trips as a class, which has created a classroom community. As we approach the holiday season, students will be exploring Holidays Around the World. Without you as donors, this would've never been possible.”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
This classroom project was brought to life by Tyson Foods and one other donor.From Stressful Supplies to Smiles
Funded Sep 22, 2019I am so thankful on behalf of my class, for the item we received. When my students arrived to school, I allowed them to open all of the boxes. Seeing the smiles and hearing the excitement in the room was priceless. One student even said, "Now my mom doesn't have to take her work money to get this!" There were smiles from ear to ear!
We have used these materials in many ways so far! Students have all received their own pencils, crayons, and colored pencils. I also gave them each their own pencil sharpeners and erasers. The excitement and cheering of having their own materials spread through the room. One student said, "It feels like Christmas with all of these gifts." Students continued saying, "Thank you," and "This is the best day ever!" I reminded students how these items were donated, and that we would be writing letters of gratitude.
I have also been able to use the stickers as rewards and incentives. Students shriek with excitement when they get a smelly sticker for working hard. We have also used the card stock for projects, and it saves students from having to purchase materials at home. I am thankful for the donors for helping my students, and enjoy seeing their smiles fill my classroom!”
With gratitude,
Ms. Moyer
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 6 other donors.