Past projects 1
Wonder: Inspiring Readers to Choose Kindness and Embrace Diversity
Funded Jul 7, 2017
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I teach in a low income/high poverty school district where students are faced with hardships and challenges both in and out of the classroom. All of our students receive free breakfast each morning and the majority of them receive free or reduced lunch. Even with the challenges they face in and out of the classroom they continue to be motivated learners! My students come into the classroom with very different strengths, weaknesses, and backgrounds. My goal is to ensure that each student grows and experiences success; socially, emotionally, & academically. In our classroom we are a family. Students learn academics of course, but also learn to communicate their feelings, set goals, build friendships, and life skills that will outlast our classroom. I am always looking for new ideas and strategies to make learning fun and engaging while building character and inspiring them to be the best versions of themselves.