Current requests
Empowering Creativity Through Laser Engraving!
- 1 donor so far
- $8,628 still needed
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The use of the green screen in the STEM Lab has been a huge hit all year. Students have not only been using the green screen to create videos and documentaries in STEM class but are constantly using the space to record and create projects for other classes. One problem the students ran into was having the proper lighting in the space. Currently, we have been using a construction lamp to light the area. The students have been creating spectacular videos with this light source but would be able to enhance their videos and editing with the proper lighting. Another dire problem is that recently, the only camcorder in our STEM classroom developed an issue with its mother board and no longer records. This has all but halted the use of this awesome space. Students have been trying to make do with the use of their cell phones but the video quality has not been meeting their expectations. By donating to this project, you not only will help make this space accessible again, but you will ultimately help increase student engagement and academic achievement. The products selected will help my students by allowing them to begin using the green screen space again. These products will also allow students to explore new technologies and will increase student desire to learn and create.