Past projects 17
Display Our Work!
Funded Dec 31, 2024Thank you for your generosity. I am looking forward to using my space to display the students classwork. It will be exciting to start the new year with a new bulletin board that the children can maintain. They are so proud of their hard work! Your donation makes a big difference and impact in Room 6!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by Allison and Austin McChord.Starting Second Fresh!
Funded Aug 14, 2024Thank you for donating to my project to assist with the start up at the beginning of the year in my second grade classroom. The kids were excited when we opened the boxes together. We are using the supply bags for a variety of tasks. The students are able to select the math manipulative bags when they are working independently or in collaboration with peers. They enjoy being able to grab an individualized bag when problem solving in math.
I have enjoyed watching my students get excited when they are able to use individualized supplies (crayons, markers, colored pencils). I am extremely happy with the products we selected because it gives my students the ability to make choices when working in class. I am working towards making my classroom accessible to all students learning preferences and accommodating all of of their learning styles.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by The Gates Foundation and one other donor.Role Model Rewards
Funded Feb 14, 2024Thank you for your generous donation to my project. At our school students earn paper money called "Bee Bucks" for Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being Safe. The students have been very excited to buy the items in the classroom PBIS store with the Bee Bucks they have earned during the school day. All of the items fit perfectly in the storage bins and cart on wheels that we display in the classroom. We spend less time browsing and more time buying when the store is organized.
The students were very excited as the boxes were delivered to our classroom. Every day when we received a new shipment we did an unveiling at dismissal and the students were excited and surprised to see the rewards available for purchase with earned Bee Bucks. The PBIS store has helped to reinforce the positive behaviors and expectations in our classroom.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
You Got Mail!
Funded Oct 20, 2023Thank you very much for your generous donation of new mailboxes for our classroom. The students were very excited to use them as our old ones frequently broke and messages home were lost. Every student has been able to have their own space that is labeled and organized, we even have a new job of message manager responsible for sending flyers and news home to every family.
Having new materials and something to take pride in, like a personal space, helps the students to feel valued and that their belongings are secure. We needed a new mailbox for quite some time and it is definitely appreciated.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by A Donor Who Loves Teachers and one other donor.ABCś for Word Building Centers
Funded Nov 19, 2022Thank you for your generous donation to my classroom project. My students have enjoyed using the color coded magnetic letters during centers and to strengthen their phonics instruction. We have been using the letters weekly and the students have been treating the supplies with such respect. There are enough sets that each student can use their own box in the group.
When I introduced the letters and modeled how to correctly use them they were very excited that the consonant letters were all blue and the vowels were all red. One student exclaimed "Wow! That makes sense Mrs. Flaherty!" The students have been able to spell words introduced each week and then create new words based on the phonics instruction. They have been able to successfully identify vowel pair spelling and phonemes within words.
My next project will be to create a system for distribution and storing materials as I would like to purchase more activities the students can work on independently.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
Reading, Research, and Writing in Grade 2
Funded Aug 9, 2022Thank you for contributing to our project! With your donation the students are provided enrichment activities that allow them to think outside the box and foster creativity. We have been able to purchase additional math games and project based centers. These additional centers are perfect for hands-on practice in the classroom with skills and strategies that are taught throughout the day.
My students are always excited to use the new resources in centers and enjoy working together to problem solve. One activity in particular is our unit study on Martin Luther King Jr. Every year we are able to add something more to our lesson and the students are always full of questions. This year we created Dream statements and the conversations that stemmed from our research was enlightening and insightful.
Thank you again for helping to provide enrichment and the opportunity for my students to excel in Grade 2!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and one other donor.CSI! Center Skills for Independence
Funded Jan 20, 2022Thank you for donating to our classroom project. The students in room 6 are enjoying working with the Versa Tiles Phonics program in their daily centers. In Grade 2 we have centers that allow the students to practice the skills that they have learned. Your donation has given the students the ability to work independently on phonics skills and provides a fun and engaging center.
Many of the students come into the classroom in the beginning of the year as struggling readers. With repeated practice and skill building the students gradually apply the strategies taught for decoding new vocabulary and building a bank of sight words.
The students are able to get the materials, set up the centers, work independently, and clean up with minimal teacher assistance. It is very rewarding when I see the children using the materials and gaining that level of independence and confidence.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by hand2mind and one other donor.Hooks and Cases to Put Supplies in Their Places!
Funded Dec 19, 2021Thank you for donating to our supplies for Room 6! We have a long coat closet missing coat hooks and thanks to your donation we were able to order new coat hooks that hold student backpacks and heavy winter coats. The students were excited to decorate their name tags that label each hook and make them personal.
Deliveries from Donors Choose are always exciting to open for not only myself but for the students as well, as we are able to replenish supplies that get used over and over again. This project gave us new durable plastic folders for papers that will last for the rest of the school year. Every student now has different color coded folders and pencil bags which helps aid in classroom organization and provides opportunities for the students to be responsible for their materials.
Our next funding project is for flexible seating options for our small group centers.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
Classroom Rug, Classroom Community!
Funded Aug 12, 2021Thank you for donating to our classroom project! We received our new classroom rug however we have been unable to use it during this school year due to Covid guidelines. Our rug is still in the plastic sitting tucked in a corner. It was delivered over a long weekend and when the students and myself returned on Monday we were all so excited to see it. Although we were are unable to use a carpet in class, we shared our feelings about the changes in school and had a discussion about these changes that have happened since the last time we were all together and in person. The majority of my Grade 2 students have not been in a classroom since Kindergarten and so many things have been restricted. It was eye opening to hear the students perspectives on school and what they recall from being in class all day. We are having a great year and everyone is working on getting back into classroom routines and procedures. My goal for my students is to have a memorable experience in second grade that is not only focused on restrictions but on the great opportunities we have and the new things we learn everyday!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by Bill Gates and one other donor.Second Grade Supplies for Room 6
Funded Aug 18, 2021This year has started like no other! We are all so happy to be back in person in our classroom. The students were eager to be working together and using individual supplies such as their work folders. We have everything color coded to allow for smooth transitions between tasks and the students have adapted to organizing all their necessary papers for each subject. As we have gotten into a routine immediately following lunch I can look out and see everyone with their blue folders on their desks, without prompting from me, ready to begin our math lesson.
This is the first year we have been using plastic folders for daily use. It has made a huge impact on classroom organization. In past years we had paper folders and they did not stand the test of time being used daily in a grade 2 classroom. We are still able to use our folders as we approach the new year! The materials we received helped get us started in the right direction.
Our next steps in Room 6 are to offer flexible seating and options for differentiated learning and the tools necessary to meet the needs of all learners.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Flaherty
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and one other donor.