Past projects 2
Don't Stop Reading, One More Page!!
Funded Mar 22, 2018What a wonderful experience this has been for my students. It can be challenging finding a book that everyone enjoys and feels the desire to discuss. Reading this novel has allowed reluctant readers to openly share their opinions with their peers. I read this book aloud and we also listened to it on audio book after recess. The voice on the audio book gave the character Melody a true voice. Having Cerebral Palsy, Melody was limited to her communication device. Listening to the readers voice gave my students the opportunity to listen to Melody tell her own story but also realize that a person is much more than their disability.
Returning from recess and transitioning to academics is not always the easiest for some students. During recess, students may have struggles with pick up games, social conflicts or have just become extremely excitable. Reading this book for twenty minutes not only helped the students calm down but it also gave them the opportunity to walk in someone else's shoes for a bit. They soon realized after stepping into Melody's world that losing a football game at recess is a pretty small obstacle to overcome in life.
I cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity. I have learned so much about my students by reading this book. They have also learned quite a bit about each other. Many of my students have siblings or family members with physical, emotional and cognitive disabilities. They felt safe to share with the class after seeing that their peers were "Melody's" cheerleader. I hope you take the opportunity to read this novel.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. B.
Current Events Texts That Inspire Learning
Funded Sep 7, 2017What an exciting opportunity this has been for my students. These magazines have meant so much to them and they look forward to them weekly. What I have enjoyed most is watching how engaged my students have been. Most importantly, students who struggle to connect with text are now active in class discussion. The excitement level involving hot issues has been surprising.
It is hard to choose only one way my students have become inspired. Let me start with an article on the wildfires of California. Olivia, who just recently moved from California gave the class a first hand account as to what was happening and why. Students have been more in tune with the news and are having discussions at home with their parents and loved ones.
Another article that interested the students, was the piece on prosthetics and how they have significantly improved over the years. My students are excellent artists and are constantly drawing people and their movements. After reading the article and watching videos on line their art work now includes prosthetic s.
Our favorite article to date, was an article on Fad toys. This article came from the financial circular that is included with the magazine. This article explained the rise and fall of toy prices that my students are quite familiar with. The article also addressed how children become introduced to toys as a result of you-tube viewings. We were able to incorporate terms such as supply, demand,advertisement, surplus, copy cat products and manufacturing. The students wrote an essay as to whether or not you should buy "Fad" toys right away or wait. The connections that they were able to make were astounding. Great reasons were provided as to whether you buy or wait. We are now following their favorite fad toys over the next couple of months to see whether prices rise or drop and why.
These are just a few reasons why this magazine has made an enormous impact on my classroom. Students who were reluctant to share in class discussion earlier in the year have become actively engaged. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. B.
This classroom project was brought to life by TIME and 2 other donors.