Past projects 1
Fun, Engaging Furniture
Funded Sep 16, 2017We thank you so much for contributing money to our Fun, Engaging Furniture project. We received two bean bag chairs, 2 Anywhere chairs, 6 cushions, 6 small rugs, and 6 wobble cushions. The children were ecstatic when I told them about the project and how it had been FUNDED in less than a WEEK! The children would scream and yell when a new box would arrive. We did a drum roll when we were able to open each box! The bean bag chairs came in humongous boxes. The child would guess what was in each box. The excitement would build as we opened each box together!
We are currently using the bean bag chairs and other comfortable chairs throughout each school day. The children are using them for quiet reading time around the room, group work, and during independent working times. The children move them around the room and work comfortably with each other. There are 4 wobble chairs at our new lowered table. This is a space that children can more comfortably with a group or 4 or with a partner. The children are pictured partner reading geography books while sitting in the bean bag chairs and other chairs. We have been studying geography for the past month. After a project was completed they had the choice of putting together geography puzzles or partner reading geography books. Most of them chose partner reading so that they could sit in the comfy spots.
The flexible seating options will help us continue to cooperate and move around our room freely. We will be working on cooperative lifecycle and Thanksgiving projects coming up in the next month. Thank you again for donating to our project. It means more than words can say!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Cowley