Past projects 6
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Funded Feb 15, 2019Thank you so much for your generous donation of 5 point and shoot cameras for our class. Having these materials opens up an entire style of visual art to which students would not otherwise be exposed. By learning about how photographers shape our view of the world with their artistic choices, students can learn about different perspectives. This knowledge transfers to our discussions in social studies, science, reading, and life skills.
Students were so excited to get brand new materials. It is always a big deal for the kids to be the first to use something! They are most excited to experiment with the different camera features and of course, to have their pictures printed. Seeing an image on a screen is just not the same as holding a photograph in your hand.
Many of my students who don't feel as confident about drawing or painting have found a new and accessible way to express themselves through photography. Thank you for giving this wonderful gift to our students. And thank you for your support of public education!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril
BrainPOP for Broadway Students
Funded Mar 1, 2019We have already begun using BrainPOP in our classroom! Thank you so much for your generous donation. Our current science unit in 4th grade is on the human body. Today we discussed the parts of the eye and how they work. My students had so many questions after our science investigation, I decided to play a BrainPOP video about the eye. The students were highly engaged as they learned more about how the eye works and why some people need glasses.
Students look forward to watching a BrainPOP video. It is a nice treat at the end of a lesson to wrap up and review the main idea. It also gives students an opportunity to hear a different voice from my own. When students know they have a BrainPOP video to look forward to, they seem to transition from one activity to the next just a little bit quicker! They cannot contain their excitement.
I look forward to sharing more BrainPOP videos with my students. It adds so much to our learning experience. Thank you again for your support of public education!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril
This classroom project was brought to life by The Community and 5 other donors.Mats for Moving!
Funded Feb 15, 2019Thank you so much for our new yoga mats! We've had our first opportunity to use them during PE today. Students commented on how excited they were to get new equipment. They are accustomed to managing with older, used sports equipment. Getting to be the first students to use the yoga mats has made them feel special and encouraged an even bigger sense of responsibility because they know other students will be using the mats in the future.
Today, we worked on flexibility and core strength with the yoga mats. Students moved through different stretching exercises, focusing on stability and learning about how our bodies move. For many students, this is a new, and often times, funny experience. Just as our students know that everyone learns in a different way, they are also realizing that our bodies move in different ways.
Moving forward, we are hoping to engage students in more discussions and activities related to healthy habits and activities. We will continue to encourage our students to make good choices. Thank you again for your support of our classroom!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril
Exploring Our World Through Books
Funded Jul 4, 2018Thank you so much for the gift of reading you have provided to my 4th and 5th grade students. We just finished reading our first novel and the students cannot wait to get started on our next story.
Let me share with you what reading looks like in our classroom. Students gather on the carpet and, thanks to you, they each have a book with which to follow along as we read. Some days, I read-aloud to the students (with character voices, of course), while other days students practice their fluency with popcorn reading. Sometimes, students meet up in small groups to read and discuss the characters' actions and the lessons they are taking away from the book. With these books, students are learning to make connections to the world and to themselves.
I know these books are having an impact on my students' learning because they cheer when I say it's time to read. I've even had students ask if we can read a little bit more, when I've wrapped up for the day. Their growing love of reading is thanks to your kind generosity. Thank you again for your support of my students and of public education.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril
Charlotte's Web Literature Study
Funded Jul 30, 2015Our third grade team couldn't be more grateful for the donation of a class set of Charlotte's Web books for our Animals Unit literature study. Our year has gotten off to a great start as students have already dug into the first few chapters of the book. On the first day of our study, students were excited to receive brand new books. I think they feel extra special, knowing they are the first class to use these materials! Of course, we've had a discussion about treating materials with respect, so future third grade classes can also enjoy Charlotte's Web!
Each day, our class joins together on the carpet for reading time. Together, we are following the story of Wilbur's journey to find friendship in a strange new world. Students understand character motivations as they put themselves in Wilbur's shoes, cite examples of cause and effect as they make predictions, and laugh as they deduce the underlying meanings in the author's wordplay. Again we thank you for the gift of literature. You are all truly terrific!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril
Technology! Making Learning Fun!
Funded Aug 18, 2014I cannot thank you enough for helping to fund our project. By having a projector and an Elmo in our classroom we are able to incorporate technology into every subject each day.
The Elmo is perfect when I want to demonstrate an art project or share the pictures in a story. Having a projector in our class is essential to keeping our kids up to date with the latest state standards and technology.
The projector is also extremely effective in reinforcing skills and is so helpful to my visual learners. We can even project many valuable lessons from the Internet!
Thank you again for your commitment to the educational needs of my students.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Seril