Past projects 1
Teaching Tolerance With Technology in 1st Grade
Funded Nov 3, 2017This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder and 18 other donors.
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I teach in a Title 1 school. I have 26 students and 95 % of my students receive free/reduced services. My classroom has several ethnicities. They love exploring and learning. Only a few of them have computers or tablets in their homes to access learning resources. Those who don't have access to technology want so much to get on the computers and practice reading and math skills in Lexia, Moby Math, and StarFall. I can only assign a few students at a time and only during certain times of the day, because I only have 3 working computers, and 3 mini laptops. They are very old and slow running. They take a very long time to upload. It can be very frustrating, so this does not allow them to get much practice/fun time learning with technology. Next year we will have new reading and math programs that incorporate technology. I would really like to have either some tablets or chrome books for more students to gain access.