Past projects 1
B's Blended Learners! Literacy Meets Technology!
Funded Jun 28, 2017This classroom project was brought to life by Aspect Ventures and 15 other donors.
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In our Social Studies classroom, we read a lot of non-fiction and historical texts. In addition to other literacy assignments, we use these texts while doing blended learning and station work. The ability to have access to technology is very helpful with some of these more challenging texts since many of my students are intrinsically motivated by technology. Also, a lot of features on these devices allow the students to manipulate the text in ways that help them to further understand the meaning. Students are able to highlight, change the size of the font, look up words they don't know, or even having it read aloud to them. The texts can be modified to the needs of each student. In an area where extra assistance in the classroom is unavailable, this gives me the ability to help more students as needed.