Funded Nov 14, 2024I geniunely appreciate your donation to fund my STEM bins project! I received the materials within days after I got the news it was funded! Within a week, I had set up and organized the bins. I gave my students some time to explore the materials, and they were so eager and excited!
Each morning, after arrival procedures and eating breakfast, my students get to choose a bin to bring to their desk and explore. This past week, I've seen so many smiles and concentrating faces as they've been engaged in the activities. As they play, I've witnessed lots of focus and creative thinking. The students have felt so proud to share with me as they were working with their materials!
I believe these bins get my students excited to come to school and get their minds warmed up to start each day. You've really played an important part in giving my students access to unique resources that keep their curious minds active and engaged.
You're the best!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Myerson