A Library Refresh!

Funded Sep 26, 2023

We are so very grateful for our new chairs! Our school was remodeled in the early 90s, and our library furniture is worn and wobbly. We have spent years scouring our building for newer and more comfortable chairs that our students can relax into.

We were thrilled when Alaska Department of Education announced they were supporting a Donors Choose drive. So many classrooms around the state have new furniture, books, and classroom supplies!

While we only added five new lounge chairs, our students are thrilled with them. They say they are super comfy, and that they don't want get out of them!

We still have a lot of work to do to get our library updated, but this was a small way to let our students know that we care about them, that we want them to feel welcome in our library, and that the time they spend "chilling" is important.”

With gratitude,

Mrs. Jacobson