Past projects 5
Put Your Listening Ears On!
Funded Dec 10, 2021Thank you so much for helping us to purchase the set of headphones for classroom use! So much of what we do is video or audio-driven, and students are encouraged to use mixed-media sources of information and to produce responses in different forms of media.
This project allowed me to ensure that each student in my classroom is able to work undistracted by the audio coming from other devices. It helps not only with the noise levels but also with concentration and engagement.
We take for granted that students have headphones because it seems like they all have earbuds in their ears all the time, but when we really need to notice, it is clear that not even close to all of our students have any earbuds or headphones, and that puts them at a disadvantage in this digital world. Now, my students do not have to be concerned with this in my class, and we are eternally grateful as we embark on a new multi-media project!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Edmond
This classroom project was brought to life by An Anonymous Funder.Sealing the Future!
Funded Aug 13, 2021Thank you so much for helping us to secure a new laminator for our building! Since receiving the materials, all of our teachers have been using it! I have seen flashcards, anchor charts, class mission statements/goals, locker decorations for our athletes from the cheerleaders, motivational signs, and so much more! These are things that have been either missing or just very temporary for the last couple of years because the dinosaur of a laminator was too unreliable to try to do much with it.
Just having this at our disposal has improved each classroom in that teachers are able to preserve items for reuse, and signs, flashcards, decorations, etc. are much more durable. This was a much-needed addition to our building resources, and we appreciate your help.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Edmond
This classroom project was brought to life by Emerson Collective and 7 other donors.Keep on Movin'
Funded Dec 1, 2020Thank you so much for your help in acquiring this mobile podium/presentation cart. Since Covid has limited student movement in my classroom, the ability for me to be mobile with all my materials throughout the day is invaluable.
Students love the cart and how much more I am moving around the room, and one has even commented that it is time to get rid of my traditional teacher desk in favor of the mobile stand.
As Covid restrictions are relaxed, I see this cart/podium being used more and more, as students can use it to facilitate small groups, move their groups out into the hall or to the library, and more. They are already starting to use it to give presentations in the room.
Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Edmond
This classroom project was brought to life by FamilyAlbum and 2 other donors.More Blended
Funded Sep 23, 2020Thank you for your generosity in helping provide this whiteboard easel for my class. With this new item, students are able to work in small groups, I am able to teach small groups, and we have more mobility and flexibility with the space in the room.
Students have embraced being able to "show" what they know to me and their peers instead of being stuck in their seats. They get the opportunity to be the teachers, which not only helps them to further cement concepts but also allows me to observe their knowledge in action.
I will be honest that I did not foresee this being used in exactly this way, but it has enhanced my students' engagement and participation in unexpected ways, and it has been so fun to watch.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Edmond
This classroom project was brought to life by Kleenex® Brand and 2 other donors.The Price of Being an Outsider
Funded Feb 2, 2017Thank you so much for your contribution towards the purchase of "The Outsiders" for the eleventh grade English students at Ogallala High school. With this book, I was able to further explore the semester theme of "going along with the crowd" (or not) and explore themes, symbols, and characterization in depth with material that my students could relate to.
In our small rural school, I am faced with multiple reluctant readers, and with this relatable story, I found that my students, even those who didn't want to, were sucked into this amazing story of young heroes. Even those students who didn't think they would found a personal connection with the boys in this novel, and that is exactly what I hoped for. With your help, I was able to give my students a book to which they could relate, become emotionally invested in, and discuss not only in class but also outside of class. Walking in the halls and hearing them talk about this story has made my year.
Our exploration of why we follow the crowd, what is in it for us not to follow the crowd, and the circumstances of following the crowd is nearing an end, and as we wrap up this unit with a film/text comparison, I look forward to having the culminating discussions about the themes in this novel and the unit as a whole. I believe that I hit on the right novel to tie this semester theme together, and your generosity made it work.
Thank you so much for contributing to the teaching of not only great literature, but also life lessons, moral ideologies, social hierarchies, and most of all, overcoming stereotypes. I believe that this novel offers lessons in so much more than just reading and writing; it offers lessons in life and death, hope and hopelessness, love and hate, and judgment and acceptance.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Edmond
This classroom project was brought to life by Forever 21 and 5 other donors.