Past projects 5
Send this Teacher to GYTO Conference!
Funded Aug 13, 2019Thank you so much for helping me to expand my own learning so I can best meet the needs of my students. Your donation is going towards the Get Your Teach on Conference, held in Los Angeles this January. I will be taking courses in math, literacy, science, social studies, technology, STEAM, social emotional learning and many more. I am very excited for the opportunity to gain new experiences and converse with other educators around the country. I am thrilled to now be a part of the GYTO team and can't wait to share my experiences!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gressick
This classroom project was brought to life by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and 12 other donors.LA Bound!
Funded Sep 7, 2019I am completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from my Brassfield family! I am so excited to attend the Get Your Teach On conference in LA this January with some other members of our Brassfield staff. Thank you so much for your donation, I can't wait to go!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gressick
Computer Headphones and Mice
Funded Oct 3, 2018Thank you so much for your generous donation to our classroom. We often times use technology in our room but some students do not have headphones which allow them to be more independent. the students play a math practice game called Prodigy that allows the students to engage in an interactive video game. The game has an audio feature that allows the students to listen to problems being read to them and also has fun sound effects.
We also use technology during reading. Many of our online reading programs allow the students to listen to someone reading them in order to increase their own fluency skills. Listening to someone read helps students to hear text that may be at a higher level than they independently read themselves.
The students are so excited about the new headphones because many of our class ones are broken or old.
Some of our students have ear buds but are loving the new headphones because they help block out external sounds.
We are so grateful for everyone that helped make our classroom better!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gressick
Flexible Seating for Busy Bodies
Funded Nov 15, 2017Thank you so much for your gracious donations to our classroom. The students love the new chairs. They are able to fully appreciate our flexible seating and now have the option to choose a space in the room that they can do their best work.
They were thrilled when our package arrived and loved helping to unwrap and put all of the chairs together.
Flexible seating offers a great opportunity for students to be given the option for where to sit in the room. This allows them to feel more comfortable in their learning. The chairs also allow students to move while working, this helps their minds to focus!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gressick
Flexible Seating for Fidgety Students
Funded Dec 8, 2016Thank you so much for your donation, the students are thrilled with how the classroom turned out. We use the materials provided throughout our entire day. We are able to do a whole group lesson all together on our big rug with our new basket seats. They also are able to do independent reading work will keeping their bodies busy with the wobble chairs, elastic bands and floor pedals.
They were thrilled the first time they saw our new room. Since we have switched over to flexible seating, the students have been able to focus more and can collaborate on projects much easier.
Moving forward, I would love to incorporate even more flexible seating into my room and help other teachers move towards this seating method.”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Gressick