Past projects 2
Teaching Tech in 6C
Funded Feb 7, 2017Going Solar in Sixth
Funded Oct 30, 2016
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By using these Electricity Learning Kits in science, my students will be learning about the basics of solar power in an engaging way, and a way that works for them as learners. Rather than reading books or watching videos, they will be actively constructing, measuring, and monitoring -- bringing their classwork more in line with the work of real scientists and engineers. This will make the work more meaningful and relevant to their lives outside of the school day. Additionally, these kits will help them view solar power, or alternative energy in general, as something real and within reach. In turn, they're more likely to be a part of the ongoing push toward green power. As we continue to feel the growing effects of climate change, it's hard to imagine many endeavors more important than this.