Funded Aug 23, 2018Wow! I cannot even express my gratitude. Within hours of putting my project on I was able to get it donated. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness to those who care for the future of our students.
My students are going to have more access to our digital world. We have already begun working on a digital journal, online books, math websites, and more. Our favorite piece of technology so far has been Flipgrid. This is where students have the opportunity to record themselves reading text and practice fluency.
We now have 13 chrome books in our classroom. This is almost a full class set! This allows me as a teacher to instruct students in real time while they work. I can help these darling 7 and 8 year olds work with less frustration with technology. Your support amazes me. Thank you again!”
With gratitude,
Mrs. Brindley